who's got good eyes.

#1 - try not to post live auctions that aren't yours. Becuase now you have created some competetive bidders who will drive the price up. Just advice - I'm not hackin' on ya here.

#2 - Two quick things that give this away.
A) See the white interior through the visor? That's a dead give away for a 95 and the white is actually the more sought after of the 95s.
B) The inset visor - the '96 visor sits flush and the '97 visor is the same with the addition of looking like a bantha stepped all over the bucket.
i'm still debating on wether i'd bid on it or save up for a sgt. fang. so if anyone is seriously looking for a dp95, i've brought it to their attention.

i think there should be a comparison guide for noobs like me that don't know a rubies from a mystery. (ok, i've been here a couple weeks, i'm not that much of a noob at this point, but before haloween i sure didn't know that.)
i'm still debating on wether i'd bid on it or save up for a sgt. fang. so if anyone is seriously looking for a dp95, i've brought it to their attention.

i think there should be a comparison guide for noobs like me that don't know a rubies from a mystery. (ok, i've been here a couple weeks, i'm not that much of a noob at this point, but before haloween i sure didn't know that.)

I second that, I think a sticky topic with a bunch of side by side comparison pics would really be helpful for noobs like us!
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