What's a good paint remover to use on a DP 95?


New Hunter
Hi all,

I recently got a prepainted DP 95 helmet. Along with numerous things I need to fix and repair on this thing, the removal of the paint is the first step. On my Stormtrooper helmet I used Easy-Off when I needed to fix the frown when I painted the wrong color. The paint came off easily but that was ABS plastic. I'm hesitant on using it on vinyl so I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations?

Once I find my blasted digintal camera, I can take and post pics of this Boba Fett helmet and my upcoming Jango helmet project as well.
well normaly ide say look ror a product called goofoff but because your working with latex, a material that goofoff loves to eat (& i mean eat) & melt, ide just go with a regular paintthinner
Yeah, I'd go with a good sanding to smooth it down and then primer over the whole thing. I've painted several DP '95s and you don't need to take it all the way down to the vinyl. It's just a lot of unnecessary extra work.
AFettFullofDollars said:
Yeah, I'd go with a good sanding to smooth it down and then primer over the whole thing. I've painted several DP '95s and you don't need to take it all the way down to the vinyl. It's just a lot of unnecessary extra work.

Thanks guys. I'll need to pick up some sand paper before I start on this then.

Also, for those of you who have the DP 95, was the Ear piece that holds the shaft for the RF always glued on like a five year old did it? I see gobs of what I can only guess is dried glue running out the seems. Is that normal?
You might want to scratchbuild a thinner more screen accurate rangefinder Earcap. The one that comes on the helmet sticks out to the side waaay too far. It should be more flush with the lower part of the earpiece.
AFettFullofDollars said:
You might want to scratchbuild a thinner more screen accurate rangefinder Earcap. The one that comes on the helmet sticks out to the side waaay too far. It should be more flush with the lower part of the earpiece.

I'm going to try to saw it off in one piece and sand it down. But seeing as how I'm really unlucky, most likely I break something and then bondo will get involved at some point.
Try fingernail polish remover and use paper towels to wipe the paint off, I beleive the chemicals are not harmful to vynil but it will remove the paint.
I have a dp95 too, and I agree with the sanding- you don't need to strip it, just sand a little and prime it up, gives a good smooth finish!
spikefett said:
I have a dp95 too, and I agree with the sanding- you don't need to strip it, just sand a little and prime it up, gives a good smooth finish!

Sorry I think I should've elaborated more: The guy I got the helmet from had already done a paint job and visor replacement on it. So was actually trying to remove "his" paint job rather than the original one.

I forgot about nail polish. I should try that after I do the sanding.
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