What Do Ya Think?

:jet pack I've decided I'm gonna make a jet pack. What suit of mandalorian armor is complete without a jet pack? I have heard of two ways to make one. Should I go with the wooden frame, or the PVC pipes?

I also have a budget. I have to use money from dear old dad who isn't too keen on me making Mandalorian Armor. He doesn't even know what Mandalorians are.

Anyway, which woud be cheaper and easier? The wooden frame, or the PVC. I was thinking the PVC but I'm just an amateur. I don't really know what I'm doing but I want to try.
Thanks for any help given. :jet pack
I built my jet pack out of trash can plastic, one 4" PVC, and two 2" PVC pipes.

The jet pack is going under some renovations, I hope to get started on it again when I finish my blaster.
I think I am going to make my own jet pack, the prices from the people that make them are way to high for my liking. I think I am going to go part PVC and part wood and see where that gets me. I know that I would like something that has some weight to it so that I know that it is still on my back, :lol:
Donnie, take it from people on this board who know. You want the pack as light as can be if you'll be trooping in it longer than an hour or so. People on this board who have packs and have trooped will tell you that a pack over about 8 or 9 pounds will get really heavy in a short amount of time. Good luck.
Yeah I was figuring around 6 or 7 pounds on the pack. Also I am thinking about airbrushing it when I get to painting. Thanks MandalorFett.

I am about to start building mine as well. I plan to use 5mm thick foamcard, a 100mm PVC tube for the central part and 2 no. 50mm PVC tubes for the fuel cells (and two part resin to seal the components). I don't plan on mine being anymore than approx 3lb in weight.

I will keep you in the loop as i build (may be bounce ideas off each other)
Ronin677 said:

I am about to start building mine as well. I plan to use 5mm thick foamcard, a 100mm PVC tube for the central part and 2 no. 50mm PVC tubes for the fuel cells (and two part resin to seal the components). I don't plan on mine being anymore than approx 3lb in weight.

I will keep you in the loop as i build (may be bounce ideas off each other)

Yeah do that and post some pics while you are in the process, maybe a tutorial? :love
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