What can i make casts out of??

I have picture of my helmet that i had molds for but i got to remake the sides and plus my camera is dead.

Are you saying that you do have a pic or don't have a pic? I figured you were working on the helmet again ala your other thread about the "cheek bones" help.

You know...if you post pics in these threads it will often lead to positive feedback and constructive criticism. You may not have had to redo the cheeks at all. There have been plenty of times that I have been extremely unhappy with something that I've built or drawn even when others around me say that it looks great.

You are always your own worst critic. Remember that.:thumbsup:

PS If you go to www.alumilite.com they have a lot of great little how-to's.
I helped lizard with the ckeek situation and would love to see if my help was usfull? :confused
Post some pics of your work bud..?
o9k today is my moms birthday so i cant post right now but im getting the batteries charged so i can get some pics.
Lizard if you go to the helmet section you can see how I am molding my helmet. When I finish the mold and start the casting, that will be included in my thread as well. Mine is made of hydrocal (plaster) and you would probably need to reinforce yours from the inside before you attempted to make a mold since it would deform. The techniques I use could be modified to suit your needs, but I think you are going to find the process fairly involved. Another suggestion is to look into some of the training videos available. I taught myself mostly from the Gnomom videos with John Brown, Sculpting and casting. Most of the gnomon videos deal with computer graphics training, their analog training stuff is wonderful. Experiment with materials and techniques, but do it safely. Try to find someone near your area who might have more experience who is willing to work with you and help you if possible. Best of luck.

Here are some pictures of my scratch built helmet you have request.

This is the top(baseball helmet)


here are the sides(made from fiberglass)

Close up on the sides.

I havent finished cutting this one out.

I don't know just how easy your method is? But I may have suggested using Sintra for example for the cheek areas as a base?
Attached are some pictures that may show what I meant and how I did it, it worked for me? keep us posted of your progress. :thumbsup:




Thanks chewiepal but the info is for Lizard... don't wanna steal thread as it's not cool to do so...
Hope this is of some use Lizard? I have plenty more build-up pictures if you want them PM'd to ya. :thumbsup:
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