Well I didn't think this was worthy of showing off, but Superjedi talked me into it.. This has been an ordeal.. I'm normally pretty anal about everything I do, but being this is the first project I've ever painted and my first time touching an airbrush, I just can't be as picky as I'd like.. Needless to say, this thing has come very close to being drop kicked,thrown off the balcony, and rolled down the stairs, numerous times.. It's made it to this point and then sanded down completely, at least 6 times.. Nope, I couldn't just go with a royal guard or something.. I just had to be a Fett..
The green up top is a little blotchy where I tried to patch up some areas.. Not sure what to do about that yet.. Any suggestions? Haven't touched the back or the ears yet.. I'm just happy that it's been at this point for 2 days and I haven't sanded it back down to primer yet.. Although the killstripes are next, so who knows..