B BFett88 Hunter Sep 17, 2004 #1 I am getting my boots today. How should I make the toe spikes for my boots? Any Suggestions are welcome.
I am getting my boots today. How should I make the toe spikes for my boots? Any Suggestions are welcome.
Trooper TK409 Active Hunter Sep 17, 2004 #2 There's a ton of threads on this subject - try the search.
B BFett88 Hunter Sep 17, 2004 #3 Cool will do, just was asking, don't know why I didn't use the search :facepalm
Omega Man Active Hunter May 2, 2005 #4 Here you go! Aluminum cast toe spikes that iam making..... http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=7282 Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2005
Here you go! Aluminum cast toe spikes that iam making..... http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=7282