The Shriek Hawk is BORN!

So whadda you think, folks? Soon I'll have black leather thigh holsters for my two blaster pistolas. They are the Nerf guns with the red light on the bottom. I'm holding one of them in the picture.


Now... What do you think, Mandos!
Sorry. There isn't a pic yet of the back, but there is a shoulder cape (sort of) held on by the back belt plate. I'll have to post some more pics when I'm at my other computer.
Lets not start a shouting match in more than 1 thread.
I think there should be a thread,a debate of sorts,so we all can voice our opinion,not just running around and letting the insults fly.

Originally Posted by Cylrul Pbz View Post
oh jeaze, not another repainted jango...what a shame

Ummm. It's NOT a repainted Jango. This armor is made from sintra PVC and is based more on the Deathwatchman armor of the comics. I used some templates from Jango and from Boba but as you will notice, I have knee darts of my own creation with three tubes each, the diamond is part of the collar plate and the helmet has three cranial ridges. There is also the breather and comlink on the helmet along with the totally new creation on the right side of the helmet of the laser sight with antennae, and the left side has a spike ridge. The gauntlets are totally custom, the right being a machine gun with a clip and the left having two black missiles and darts.

I'm thinking Cylrul is just mad because I posted my opinion about true customs versus repaints of recast boba and jango armor. Well, I think the above armor speaks for itself. I don't really care whether you repaint a Boba or a Jango. It doesn't matter. It just takes more time and creativity to pull off something as seen above. Truth be told, anyone can do what I've done above. It's easy. If ANYONE wants to have some tips on how to build a custom made bucket from a Dave Mirrah bicycle helmet and sintra, let me know. I'd be glad to show you. As a matter of fact, here's the thread:

P.S. I hope you like the toy kitchen in the background. I have 4 small children ages 1 to 6. My wife lets me do all this crazy stuff. Here's a pic of me with my Boba (my first costume). NOTHING in this shot is vacuuformed (except the crappy rubies bucket I screwed up on... and my head;)

Boba is being worn by a pvc and batting mannequin I made.
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Ummm. It's NOT a repainted Jango.
Cylrul was being sarcastic.

This armor is made from sintra PVC and is based more on the Deathwatchman armor of the comics.
With you saying this, it appears you contradict what you say about creativity and imagination. Saying you "based" it off of something, is no different than someone using a Boba or Jango as reference.

I used some templates from Jango and from Boba but as you will notice, I have knee darts of my own creation with three tubes each, the diamond is part of the collar plate and the helmet has three cranial ridges. There is also the breather and comlink on the helmet along with the totally new creation on the right side of the helmet of the laser sight with antennae, and the left side has a spike ridge. The gauntlets are totally custom, the right being a machine gun with a clip and the left having two black missiles and darts.
That's cool that you redesigned your armour a little, but you say you have complete custom suit. Whereas you modified the chest a little and the rest of your armour is Jango. It doesn't seem like you really have the right to go into another thread and complain about how someone just repainted a Jango.

I'm thinking Cylrul is just mad because I posted my opinion about true customs versus repaints of recast boba and jango armor. Well, I think the above armor speaks for itself. I don't really care whether you repaint a Boba or a Jango. It doesn't matter. It just takes more time and creativity to pull off something as seen above. Truth be told, anyone can do what I've done above. It's easy. If ANYONE wants to have some tips on how to build a custom made bucket from a Dave Mirrah bicycle helmet and sintra, let me know. I'd be glad to show you. As a matter of fact, here's the thread:
I think a lot of people were offended by your comment other than Cylrul, including myself. You were out of line with your comment, and if you want to, "express your opinion," don't post it in someone else's thread where he/she is showing off their creation (and hard work). How would you like it if you built a costume, then posted a picture, then some guy with a bad attitude comes in and makes your costume feel worthless compared to his own? In fact, you're just putting your own costume in front of someone else’s, if you think your costume is good, then congratulations, but you don't put your costume in someone elses face and say, "Mine’s better." If I see a costume that I don't really approve of, I keep it to myself or at least give "constructive criticism" to help them. Being in the 501st, I am a GML and having to tell someone their costume isn't up to speed isn't an easy thing to say, I don't want to hurt someone feelings.
Shoulder cannon? Like this?



I like where youre headed. If I can humbly make one suggestion, weather your flightsuit and boots. I always find it odd that so many custom mandos have weathered armor, etc and nice, clean and tidy flightsuits.
Shoulder cannon? Like this?
I like where youre headed. If I can humbly make one suggestion, weather your flightsuit and boots. I always find it odd that so many custom mandos have weathered armor, etc and nice, clean and tidy flightsuits.
Whoa! That's awesome! I love it.
Why can't we be friends?

If I see a costume that I don't really approve of, I keep it to myself or at least give "constructive criticism" to help them.

I don't know how many posts I haven't made because I thought to myself "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" as I was typing.

BFD (if I may call you that), you say you based your costume off of Deathwatch, is your character Deathwatch? Just curious.
Be it a repainted Boba or Jango styled costume or a total custom it still takes a lot to pull it off and make it look good.. Like it belongs in the Star Wars universe. Does it looke like a Mandalorian? Then cool! :thumbsup:

BobaFettDaddy. Nice work i think. :)
Even though you are more a deathwatch style mandalorian and my costume is a "classic styled true mando", i would troop with ya anytime ner vod.


Most poeple would probably still call us power rangers anyways.. :lol:
I think I apologized on the other thread, but I'll do so here. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for my post to be off color. I am doing my part by apologizing. If you guys can't get over it, then that is your problem. I don't really care. If you guys can't take any constructive criticism, then why do you post on here.

About the weathering of the jumpsuit, you are right. I'll get to work on that.

About the shoulder cannon, that thing is COOL! Can you move it and are there servos in there? I'd REALLY like to see that thing up close.

Again, I think my costume is far from Jango armor. I only made it look recognizably Mando.

The things that are Deathwatch on the costume are the cape and the shin gaurds. The tribal stuff is my own. The emblem on the forehead is a Neo-crusader emblem. The chest emblem is my own design. This guy is a Blood Saber Honor Guard. I made that up. I see them as a splinter faction who want to "purify" the Mandalorians. The ways of mercenary work are blasphemy in his cult. The Blood Sabers want to live free and unchained from any past feuds and entanglements. They do not get involved in galactic events, but only respond to threats directly leveled at them with swift, emotionless judgement.

Keep the critiques coming. I really like it. Anything I can do to improve makes me have a better costume. I just wish people wouldn't get so bent out of shape when I bust their chops.
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Your custom is OK, ;) but I LOVE your Boba room paint job. :lol:

Green walls, battle damage scuffs, kill stripes and to top it off ... shelter half curtains. :lol:

Most poeple would probably still call us power rangers anyways..

HA! Every event I wear this costume to with my club here in OK has the same reaction. I've been called a power ranger and optimus prime! That's so funny that others get the same reaction.8)

And thanks about the room. It's my Boba Fett office/shrine. It's the one thing my wife let me do to the house (besides the Boba bucket gargoyle on the BACK of the house.)
BFD, I don't see any need for you to have to apologise a second time. Your original apology seemed heartfelt and genuine so unless it happens again I for one consider the matter closed.
As to your armour, it's an interesting take on it, although I would recommend a darker tint on your visor as I can see your face.

NOW, can us Mando's (Classics and Imaginations) get along? Or are we gonna see an actual Mandalorian Civil War!
The visor is a piece of smoked plexi that I cut and heated to shape into the bucket. When a flash goes off, you can sometimes see my face faintly, but in normal situations it's pretty dark.

I've always been at peace, contrary to popular belief.
Your custom is OK, ;) but I LOVE your Boba room paint job. :lol:

Meh... it's okay... :facepalm

But the colors are not screen accurate! :lol: :lol:

J/K... The Boba paint scheme is great! :thumbsup:

I know I couldn't get away with that in my bedroom... but maybe my son's room..... Hmmm.... ;)
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