The Mandalorians (our Costumes)


New Hunter
I love going through the posts and view everyone's great work. I think it is awesome that everyone has their own mandalorian inspired costumes. This got me thinking to try to catgorize them in some way.

When I go through them I see the various armor colors/patterns etc... a Mandalorian World, clans, cultures and army.

Infantry mandalorians
Sniper mandalorians
Forest mandalorians
Special Ops mandalorians
Artic mandalorians
Demolition Expert mandalorians
Commando mandalorians
Heavy/Light Weapons expert mandalorians

Under World:
Bounty Hunter mandalorians
Enforcer mandalorians
Criminal mandalorians

Amazon mandalorians

Royal mandalorians
Police mandalorians

(any that missed - please add on....)
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"yea missed one!!! and it's my style, the infultration.... ok ok hacker. i am a hacker type mando, dealing with computers and such"


I remember seeing a COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST somewhere. They carried a communications backpack (like WWII) very cool. I think that was another MANDO board.
What i have done with my Armour is give a nod to the Space Marine chaplains from the warhammer 40K, a leadership "caste" for want of a better description, or a royal Mandalorian. I want the armour to look like it was designed to inspire the troops he had under his command, and keep them fighting if it looks like it would go bad. It's getting there, and is looking rather striking, so hopefully it will come out like how i dreamt of it in my head.
Hmmm... Please send a pic of a NAVY Mando or an AIRFORCE Mando - I don't think I've seen those on here. Though I can piture it in my head what they would look like.
Heavy/Light Weapons expert mandalorians

I have yet to give up on my idea of a Heavy Weapons or Heavy Assault Madalorian. I just don't know about the extra armor, which would make it to heavy to fly with a rocket pack. Good list of ideas and summations. I hope this will to see more additions to this list as well as some ideas for each category, should someone need more details.
Someone is already working an Sea based Mando. I'm Planning on making a pilot oriented mando in the future, and although I don't have a concept drawn down yet, I do got a good idea in my head.
Well, I haven't posted too frequently here, though this is probably my third year of improving and messing w/ my armor, but:

Frost K'amon-
Teras Kasi Mando.
id fall under light weapons i think i also have a hand in the underworld i smuggle bounty hunt for the credits when needed. i also smuggle supplies and info for the rebellion( yes im a sympathiser ). vaders pet: maybe a crozonius arcanum type weapon might be something ta consider for close combat like the chaplains carried an insperational symbol that is deadly but id like to follow your progress ta c where u go with this im a big 40k fan.
id fall under light weapons i think i also have a hand in the underworld i smuggle bounty hunt for the credits when needed. i also smuggle supplies and info for the rebellion( yes im a sympathiser ). vaders pet: maybe a crozonius arcanum type weapon might be something ta consider for close combat like the chaplains carried an insperational symbol that is deadly but id like to follow your progress ta c where u go with this im a big 40k fan.

i was considering some sort of staff weapon, just not sure of the design just yet. for now i am sticking with my rifle i have named "Prudiise Mureyca" or Shadows Kiss in Mando'a. I'm going to get that carved down the barrel, as i am also a huge fan of 40k and love the way the marines "bless" their weapons with inscriptions. My armour is made to look ancient, something passed down between one royal/noble to their son, for generations. I'm really hoping it is looking like that, here is a link to the progress work so far.
Kind regards to the wonderful man responsible for bringing my thoughts into a sexy paintjob, heh. (you know who you are, i love you WB!) Mando/
Your codpiece pattern looks rather the eyes butterflies have on thiere wings to scare predators that pettern there for that reason:confused ;)

i was considering some sort of staff weapon, just not sure of the design just yet. for now i am sticking with my rifle i have named "Prudiise Mureyca" or Shadows Kiss in Mando'a. I'm going to get that carved down the barrel, as i am also a huge fan of 40k and love the way the marines "bless" their weapons with inscriptions. My armour is made to look ancient, something passed down between one royal/noble to their son, for generations. I'm really hoping it is looking like that, here is a link to the progress work so far.
Kind regards to the wonderful man responsible for bringing my thoughts into a sexy paintjob, heh. (you know who you are, i love you WB!) Mando/
Do you have a costume, or are working on a costume?

I've been working on mine on and off. Here some pics...

Revisions made (not shown):
I removed the cape (for the mini-missle pack), got a better neck seal, new vest (breathable material) the vinyl type of material was just to damn hot, new knee armor and I have plans to replace the blaster to mini-gatlin gun (arc trooper style).

My costume has always been refered to as having an "enforcer look" to it. So I just thought - OK that's what it is. LOL!
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