Template Help

Jodo Kast 2749

Active Hunter
All right you devil dogs! A number of you have used my templates in the past with a despairingly low amount of feedback. Now I want some payback!

Here's a pic of my current templates. (chest sections only)


Here's a pic of my revised templates. (chest sections only)


Which looks more accurate? The current version is slimming due to it's tapered design but the revised version provides a bit beefier belly section.
The top angles of the chestplates look a bit better to me. Other than that, I can't pick out anything in particular. It just seems to have the better overall look. :)
I agree with judz. But I think the stomach plate on the bottom looks better. Just curious, why do you have the point at the bottom of the stomach plat? As far as I now it should be strait. :D
I must confess that originally I was trying to make the templates as angular as possible thinking it would make cutting easier.

I do think a little point like template 2 is accurate but that may be just an optical illusion of the curved belly plate looking pointy.

My main beef with template 1 is that it makes the waist line too tapered. The sides (obliques) look unprotected.

I'll have to look at some more reference pics. Thanks for the feedback fellas.

phantom viper wrote:

I agree with judz. But I think the stomach plate on the bottom looks better. Just curious, why do you have the point at the bottom of the stomach plat? As far as I now it should be strait. :D
second that

I made a set using your templates recently ( thanks by the way :cheers )but I have to admit the one change I made was to straighten the bottom edge of the ab piece a bit. In my humble opinion your latest ab peice + the origional chest pieces (ie your last posting) looks the best choice .
do you have any templates for boba's backplate? i'm gonna use the other templates to make my own armor from aluminium.thanks for posting the plans.....
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