Taking My Best Shot: Robo's ESB Fett

This may be a common sense thing, but I found that alcohol helps...


...remove the printed information off of the right gaunt hose ;)
Being the cheapskate/do-it-yourselfer that I am, I wanted to try and do as much as I could with found or created objects, so I attempted to fashion a wannabe hose connector out of wood and darts out of framing nails. I tightened the nails into a drill press and used a metal file as a lathe. These are nowhere near perfect (the tiny ring details near the tips are absent), but they can fool the naked eye from a distance. As long as people stay at least 4 feet back and I constantly wave my right arm, no one will know the better :)
I'll probably end up trying to purchase aluminum darts from Mojo or other known vendors on here.


I could've sworn I took photos during the painting process, but I can't find them so here is the current state of the gauntlets. The switches were fairly easy to find, but I wish I had seen the mod to make the right gaunt "oval" piece sooner. Heating and forming a hollowed out ballpoint pen and cutting the correct shape into the end of it seems like my kind of budget! I rounded out the dart tips to keep from harming anyone. After all, the reason for the build is to troop and the reason to troop is to help people feel happy. I'm really looking forward to bending down for hugs and high fives, something that is pretty much impossible in my TK. I'm not sure if the Eveready Mini Torch switch is supposed to be black or red, so that may change.


Things still left to do: install whipcord housing (I should receive it in a couple of weeks), make clipping system from gaunt hose to flight suit (carabiner and keyring sounds good), and figure out a flamethrower. I'm pretty nervous about the flamethrower. A resin one seems prone to getting damaged sticking out the way it does, but a metal flamethrower will make the left gaunt pretty heavy (the metal rocket already weighs quite a bit)!
I'm loving this thread. Great ideas for budget builders. I especially like the gauntlet darts. What a great idea. Oh, and the Eveready switch should be a very dark red.
Thanks again, Matt, and I really appreciate the info about the Eveready switch. I'll be painting it a bit darker in the near future, I feel that mine may be too bright a red.
I came across some CA boots that have been weathered a bit already, but are too large for me! They are a size 11 (I think) and I wear a size 9-10. I already have two insoles in each boot to keep them from coming off. Anyone have a pair of boots too small for them and want to trade? :) If not, I don't think this will keep me from trooping, I'll just weather them correctly, add some toe spikes, and pack these bad boys out with foam to keep them on!

I stitched some fabric to the gray gloves I had, added a new wristband, and sewed in some Velcro to keep them shut. I'll be weathering my gloves and flak vest this weekend. I also hope to get my neck seal sewn up to add to the grunge train.

Quick update: My place of employment (post-production & graphics house) was disposing of a ton of tapes and cases. I grabbed a couple, glued them shut, sliced them in half, rounded out any sharp corners, and put them in my pouches to be used as functional, lightweight inserts. Now I can put keys, phone, etc. in my pouches and they still keep that boxy shape. I'm sure any old VHS or NES cartridge rental case would work for this as well.
I recently cut the shoulder straps off of a children's backpack (without the child in it...) and used the extra seatbelt webbing from my "diver's buckle belt" and leftover TK stuff to sew a jetpack harness. I'll sew the straps that actually connect to the pack once I'm ready to dry fit. For now, the jetpack needs a ton of repairs and attention, pretty much everything from the collar to the tip of the rocket/missile.


I will be taking a break from posting because it's road trip time. See you guys/gals at Celebration in Anaheim!
Looking good bro.
Thank you!

This is a pretty big update for me because I have switched gears from my previous fiberglass hard parts to a set of RKD armor. I trimmed it out, sanded it down, and rinsed it to prep for paint, using a plastic primer on the outside. I cut the windows for the chest display according to Rafal Fett's templates to accommodate the Fettronics board. I went with the Rafal Sequence and 4 AA battery setup. I think I may duct tape the display to the armor and sew a little pouch to house the battery pack on the flak vest. I painted the armor in layers, mostly while it was still wet to try and get some light and dark areas. I'll go in by hand to sponge a feather on some additional weathering after I get the chest and shoulder emblems sprayed on. Side note: I believe I may have 2 additional chest and shoulder stencils if anyone is needing any?
Full disclosure: I figured I should post all aspects of my build, so here is a big mistake made that needed fixing. I got carried away with the Dremel and carved out the dent in the collar. I used a piece of scrap plastic, trimmed to fit, glued it to the underside of the plate, and filled it to make it a bit more seamless. I'll post the finished patch job once the painting is done.
Using stencils, I finished spraying the layers of the chest emblem. Are the whites here indeed white? Or should they be the aluminum silver? The general consensus seems to be white...
I look forward to weathering and am hopeful about the silver and yellow being a lot less tedious than the details on the helmet. As with anyone working on a Fett build, I wouldn't dare count the hours spent on this project, but the outcome is well worth it!

I was able to get the yellow and silver on everything but the back plate by using Raf's templates (surprise, surprise...) and reference photos from the gallery. I will tackle the Lark Gray tonight (there isn't much) and attempt a more layered, weathered look on the armor as a whole with some grays, browns, and black. I think I'll sponge washes on and then distress them by sponging them off. I may also attempt some charcoal and chalk smudges. I've seen a bunch of methods used here on the boards and hope I can emulate a couple of looks as best I can.

Please help!! I have held off painting the center of the diamond because I'm not positive about the color. Is it white? Or am I just seeing the light reflect off of silver paint?
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