Tackle twill HELP!!


Well-Known Hunter
Well looks like my search is looking dismal..:cry i still have a few fabric places to hit.
but is there anyone that could possibly buy Tackle twill for me? i will paypal the cost for amount needed and for the trouble.

just in case i can't locate any..

Well looks like my search is looking dismal..:cry i still have a few fabric places to hit.
but is there anyone that could possibly buy Tackle twill for me? i will paypal the cost for amount needed and for the trouble.

just in case i can't locate any..


PM skygunbro, might be able to come across some if you are lucky.
Vest/neck seal...

i know there a ppl that need some of this stuff.. lets do a group buy!!

i know i want 6 yards:thumbsup:

lets get a list started.
i sent a PM to one of the guys that did a large order for this stuff. and suggested we buy an extra yrd for him... so if you need 2 yrds... you buy 3.. etc..

to get the minumum 25 yrd need to buy the tackle twill.

chime in guys..
I Pmed sixx and told him if you guys can meet the minimum Ill order it through my wholesaler for you at my cost....I need to get the minimum of 25 yards.It is 7.00 a yard plus about 8.00 for shipping each.
If you can find this stuff retail which its very hard to find its about 13-14.00 a yard.
This would be the same stuff I did 2 runs before. Batninja sent me a sample of the tackle twill some guys on here awhile back and it was the same as the stuff I can get.
Just remember this WILL NOT be ordered until thew 25 yard minimum is met and all payments are recieved.Basically I will hold the money in PP and use it to purchase the material.Witht the exception of the first time I ordered this it came fairly quick about a week and half.
Well you heard it from the man himself...:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

let get the minimum guys..

so far

Sixxgunn13: 6yrds
Jango's kid: 3yrds

lets get it done:cheers
WOW this isn't dead..yet!

15 yrd so far!

Skygunbro is the guy that will help out..if he still can:cheers

C4 is over...upgrades needed. get er done!
I'm in for some, will need 3 yds for myself, just let me know where to send the funds to. Also does anyone know if Batninja is still sewing vests? He did mine the last time and it was great. I know he was taking a break until after C4.
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