Stolen Fett!!

Thanks again everyone. I did a TV spot about it for the local news on Friday night. I'm doing a phone interview about it on a news radio station tomorrow morning. Now, neither of these things happened because I asked for them. They first contacted me for all of this. :$

Trying to increase awareness, put the pressure on the scumbag thief, or find a Good Samaritan that might have seen or heard something.
ugh..this hit me in the gut.... i hope you get your suit back, and hopefully the car too! My wife thinks im nuts when she says "oh just leave the costume in the car, we'll take it out tomorrow" and im like um NO WAY, its coming in the house as soon as we get home! i should show her this. But really man, i hope you get it back! If i spot anything on e-bay or the likes that seems questionable, i'll let you know!
So sorry to hear this, man. Makes one feel ill. Hopefully the publicity will help to get both your ride and your bounty hunter back to you safely.
I am thinking they would try to sell the helm first on fleabay. What is on the inside of the bucket that might help ID your helm? Wiring? Fan?
The inside of the bucket has a hardhat suspension with a blue sweatband. It has an Evilboy dual fan setup, and an Uproar hearing system with a couple motorcycle helmet speakers. It's painted flat black on the inside, and it has a steel flat bar epoxied to the inside cheeks to keep them from moving too much. The bucket is a resin cast GMH from Asok.

- - - Updated - - -

Gauntlets are RKD vac formed clamshells with a combatbaby aluminum flamethrower. Resin gauntlet rocket.
Keeping an eye out for ya here in the US as well..particularly on E-bay.

Dude this kills me this happened and if it comes down to you not being able to recover the suit, and you want to start a new build.....i will donate a helmet kit, jetpack, gauntlet kit(if i have them ready) and any other small bits i make to you for only shipping cost.
Keeping an eye out for ya here in the US as well..particularly on E-bay.

Dude this kills me this happened and if it comes down to you not being able to recover the suit, and you want to start a new build.....i will donate a helmet kit, jetpack, gauntlet kit(if i have them ready) and any other small bits i make to you for only shipping cost.

One of the many reasons I love this community
I wish I had extra pieces kicking around. I'd chip in as well. I think I have some aluminum side jetpack thruster greeblies if you want them Brett. I've also got a full set of chicago screws and bolts. Not much, but whatever I can do to help.

Let's hope it doesn't come to building a new suit. Positive thoughts :)
I can cast up some shin tools to throw in if you want as well as any of my other found parts type things. Was going to make molds anyway and will be good motivation to get at it. Hope they find your car and suit.
Everyone, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support and offers! It is overwhelming, and really gets me in the feels! :love

Another news outlet posted my story... Star Wars costume, SUV stolen from Alberta teacher - Edmonton - CBC News

And finally, it's time to play the waiting game. The insurance company has all my documentation for the vehicle, contents, and a 95 page document detailing my costume, it's parts, Corresponding sellers threads, and PayPal receipts for all but three parts: Alco switches, and the two Paterson parts.
Itll be a couple weeks wait to see if the vehicle and/or contents turn up somewhere.

Thank you very much for the parts offers, everyone! But for now, let's wait and see what the police turn up.
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