Starting -> JangoUri Costume v 2.0 (Heavy Pics)


Active Hunter
Hey, well, after 2 months of relax since my first Jango Costume, Now I´ve begun making the 2.0 version.

The first Step is rub n buffing some parts wich Im not going to change, like the cod piece and the Knee armor.

Here are few shots of the already rub n buffed Knee armor:

With Flash:

Without Flash:



Few shots of the finished rub n buffed cod piece:


Now I just have to weather them with the paints that the buddy Cruzer picked me

And well... This time i´ll troop with my love Westar from MR :love :love :love

I will line the holsters inside with some kind of brown cotton to try to get the minor possible scratches to my blasters.

Now, I´m waiting my JD armor and.... Also a BKBT Helmet :love

Thanks buddies :cheers
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Looks really good, the rub-n-buff makes the pieces look like real metal. Can't wait to see your progress on the rest of the suit.

Skalen, every time I see your avatar, that Viper helmet makes me so crazy! I love that thing!
..great juri,
u did it, great job :thumbsup: . remembering my knees after using rub 'n buff.... NICE look !
i'll start my second version next year!

show us more about ur process :thumbsup:
MandalorFett said:
Skalen, every time I see your avatar, that Viper helmet makes me so crazy! I love that thing!

It belongs to a friend of mine who was very lucky to come across it. It is acutally one of the original props used on the tv series. It's really cool to see how it lights up. There's a small blue box that houses all the electronics which powers the tiny light bulbs around the face of the helmet. They still light up with the flip of a switch. :thumbsup:

Ok guys, a lot of new UPDATES!

First of all.... let me show you this....

The BKBT helmet from the 2nd rund.... :love :love :love


New Kenneth Cole boots! (Thanks Cruzer!)


New armor, from JD (knees are from starfortress... the only good thing they make)

One of the Shin armor, already Rub N Buffed


A comparision pic beetween the Rubies, JD and BKB Helmet


And this is just a good cuality pic of my Arena jet pack
jet pack1.jpg

jet pack2.jpg





The best item i´ve EVER received


¡¡¡¡¡StarFortress Productions Prop Acuratted Replica Gloves!!!!!!

*(I´m the cookie monster!)


Well... a lot of work is waitng me with this costume. I hope you like this. I think it can become somethin nice! :D
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C is for cookie and its good enough for me:-)
You have an excellent start for a Jango suit!
I plan to get the Jd armor as well.
Where is the backpack from?is it vacuformed or fiberglass?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I was captivated by all of your artistic seriousness until you threw me for a loop with the last pics. They were the best! But the rest is looking nice, can't wait to see it all put together.
Those are the best Jango gloves I have ever seen!!!

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