SST Pics from Chicago Shoot

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Since a number of people asked for these here you go. Sorry if the color/lighting is off. I cleaned these up real quick and dirty.













Ok, now somebody make life sized bug limb that splits in half, so you can attach one half to the front of your chest, and have the other half coming out of the back. That would be awesome for action poses!

You guys rock! Dana, I see you even got your woman to suit up!
hansoloway said:
Ok, now somebody make life sized bug limb that splits in half, so you can attach one half to the front of your chest, and have the other half coming out of the back. That would be awesome for action poses!

One step ahead of you...
Great pics! Is it just me or do some of the barrels seem curved downward, almost like they're sagging. Not all of them, just a few of the rifles?
well if im correct, they are the stunt moritas and are rubber. So after awhile they begin to sag some from the principle of a soft hyrdosolid.
Yeah, they do. I have a full fiberglass Carbine and there is no sag in that baby! But since bringing my armor was a very last minute thing, bringing my Carbine was not an option so I used a rubber one that Jose had. I think Dana is the only one with a rubber Morita that is straight as an arrow.
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