Spray Paint Help

Boba Fett

Active Hunter
I have been working on a set of gauntlets lately, and I sprayed a layer of green onto the gauntlets. I waited a day and then came back and sprayed on another layer. I am using Krylon spray paints, and for some reason after I put on the second layer I got a bunch of veiny bubbles all over the gaunt. I am doing the painting out in my garage and it gets cold in there at night so is the cold causing this?
You may need to do some fine sanding after each layer of painting. Sometimes even the weather may cause a problem, maybe if you bring them in the house after you are done painting?
Not to sound stupid but...did you shake the can enough. I had the same problem with spider web effect on my second coat. Only thing I could remember was I did not shake the can prior to spraying.
most paints say something like "recoat within 4 hours or after 48" (numbers may vary).

once the paints start to cure, you'll get orange peel / bubbles / etc... if you try to coat again before its done curing.

it's worse when mixing brands.

when i use rattlecan, i try to do everything in 1 day on a piece. i wait just long enough for the paint to be dry to the touch (anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour) and then do the next color). i use all latex masking fluid to avoid damage from tape on barely dry paint.

when i've done things that way, i've never had a problem. it's only been when i've waited a day in between coats that i've gotten that sort of issue.
most paints say something like "recoat within 4 hours or after 48" (numbers may vary).

once the paints start to cure, you'll get orange peel / bubbles / etc... if you try to coat again before its done curing.

it's worse when mixing brands.

when i use rattlecan, i try to do everything in 1 day on a piece. i wait just long enough for the paint to be dry to the touch (anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour) and then do the next color). i use all latex masking fluid to avoid damage from tape on barely dry paint.

when i've done things that way, i've never had a problem. it's only been when i've waited a day in between coats that i've gotten that sort of issue.
Unfortunately with the "Spruce Green" by Rustoleum, drying time does take a full day before it's able to touch...
Unfortunately with the "Spruce Green" by Rustoleum, drying time does take a full day before it's able to touch...

i didn't for me... that's what i'm using, and i did all of the primary helmet colors over the course of a few hours.

i'd think with the high temp / low humidity in your area, stuff would dry super-fast... that's odd.
In addition to the tip of waiting for a period to dry. I've found the following helps:

Read the directions on the paint - it usually will list the temperature the paint and item to be painted should be at.

If it's getting frosty cold, you are probably painting at too low of a temperature.

So - heat the garage, space heater is good (make sure you vent the fumes from painting outside) - but at least make the temperature what the paint calls for.

Also - I like to place the paint can in a bucket of water, filled with hot water (hot in that you can place your hand in without pain), so the can is 3/4 covered with the water.

makes the paint expand in the can, which makes it easier to spray and coat.

just make sure you wipe down the can before you start to use it.
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