shoulder help


Active Hunter
..hi guys,

well my upgrades come slower than i want to date.

until i 'll tailor a new vest, im thinking my shoulder armor could be longer or something etc.....
what do u think ¿
i'll thank u for ur proposals !!! :thumbsup:





Here is a pic of the real thing. Looks like you need to do what I did, trim you bells to match your vest.

Armor - Shoulder Bells - Left Front 01.jpg
The problem is that your shoulder pieces on your vest aren't wide enough. If they were about 1"-1 1/2" wider on each side where they meet the vest, your shoulder armor would sit more accurately. I would take WOF templates to your shoulder armor to make sure they are approximately the right size and shape for your height, and if so keep them that way. Then if it's possible, have the person who made the vest replace the current shoulder pieces with pieces that are wider. If not, then just be sure to make the shoulder pieces wider on your next vest.:thumbsup:

The rest of the suit looks really good.:thumbsup: The leather pieces look great...but I always pay to much attention to the leather pieces.;)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see the velcro neck on the suit and some things on the vest that I recognize. Is that SGB stuff? If so, I had no problems with his stuff fitting properly, The bells might be too big. Line them up to WOF and make sure. If the vest isn't the right size I'd see if he'd fix it for you. SGB is great on customer service, IF that's his vest.
Hey Jango Newbie, I'll bet you lunch at Chili's in Fresno, when we do that VC Hospital visit, it's not a SGB vest.:lol:

Did you order that jp yet?
MMMMMMMMMMMMM, let me think.........If you want to bet, you probably have some first hand knowlege that it is not. I'll have to pass, thanks anyway. I'll buy ya lunch anyway, just cause your a nice guy and willing to give me your jet pack.....:lol: right????
The problem is that your shoulder pieces on your vest aren't wide enough.

..yes i think also ! ;)

If they were about 1"-1 1/2" wider on each side where they meet the vest, your shoulder armor would sit more accurately. I would take WOF templates to your shoulder armor to make sure they are approximately the right size and shape for your height, and if so keep them that way. Then if it's possible, have the person who made the vest replace the current shoulder pieces with pieces that are wider. If not, then just be sure to make the shoulder pieces wider on your next vest.:thumbsup:

The rest of the suit looks really good.:thumbsup: The leather pieces look great...but I always pay to much attention to the leather pieces.;)

..the leather ammo belt is from seeker, the holster are from u :thumbsup: impressive nice work !!! i got them from notlewis.

about the west....
im not really satisfied with my first armor. so i have made a new set. the armor is attached by velcro. it would be more complex to put off the velcro and add new ;) therefore a new vest....

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see the velcro neck on the suit and some things on the vest that I recognize. Is that SGB stuff? If so, I had no problems with his stuff fitting properly, The bells might be too big. Line them up to WOF and make sure. If the vest isn't the right size I'd see if he'd fix it for you. SGB is great on customer service, IF that's his vest.

..SGB ¿
..WOF ¿ :confused
If you haven't already done so, be sure to use Wizard of Flight's (WOF) Jango armor templates for your height. Using his templates will allow you to get very accurately shaped armor.:thumbsup:

If you haven't already done so, be sure to use Wizard of Flight's (WOF) Jango armor templates for your height. Using his templates will allow you to get very accurately shaped armor.:thumbsup:


..yes, i used WOF templates for my second set.... im very satisfied with them :lol:
my first one were freehanded :thumbsup:

Now that's a BEAUTIFUL set of new armor!

Looks great!

...And yeah, I thought the construction on those holsters looked familiar. I believe you are the first person to buy a pair second hand.:lol: If something ever goes wrong with them because of the construction, let me know and I'll fix em for free...I guarantee all my craftmanship.

As for SEEKER's ammo belt, you've got Top-Notch craftmanship there and it doesn't get any better than that!:thumbsup:

If it were me, I'd put all the new armor on with black Line 21 snaps from Tandy. It's what we did to Jango Newbie's armor and SGB vest, but it does take a little work and time and a buddy.:thumbsup:
..thx cruzer,
yeah its a pleasure for me wearing these works of craftmanship. my first holster was from SFP (i think). yours r much better. they suits fine.

" Line 21 snaps from Tandy..." i will think abou it ;)

@kane etc... thanks for ur kind words!
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