SgtFang Mystery Helmet - A Review and Progress Thread


Well-Known Hunter
Although he doesn't post much on TDH anymore, SgtFang was one of the first to offer the resin-cast Mystery Helmet, back in the day. I owned one up until 2004, and I have to say it was one of my favorite pieces. When he started offering them again on the RPF, I knew I couldn't pass up the chance to own another one.

Look what came in the mail today!





There will be some minor cleanup, but mostly more sanding than putty.

The range finder (not hollow) and ear pieces are extremely clean castings, and will require very little touchup. The right earcap is slightly longer than the post, so I'll use some styrene sheeting and blocks to build up that area.


These helmets, as opposed to some others, are not ready to wear right out of the box, and will need a little cleanup. Some hobbyists are discouraged by that. But don't fret - patience, as opposed to skill, is indeed a virtue for this project.

As for the durability, the only reinforcement I used on the first one was a horizontal brace across the mandible, about 2 inches up from the edge of the helmet. These helmets are also very light, and my headliner rig was held in place only by Velcro.

SgtFang is offering these over on the RPF for a great price, probably the best price you'll ever get on a true Mystery Helmet.

I can't wait to get started on it, and will probably break out the Dremel and sandpaper this weekend. Enjoy! :) Helmet/extras_2.jpg
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The right earcap is slightly longer than the post, so I'll use some styrene sheeting and blocks to build up that area.

Cool review and great pics!
Could you explain the above a little more?
You're the second person (I think) who's mentioned an issue with the right ear on this bucket.
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Here's a quick picture of the area.


I may use a scrap piece of styrene block to fashion an 'extension' to the earcap mount.

The other option, if you don't like the scratchbuilding idea, would be to mount the earcap higher, so that the top extends:


It may not be quite as noticeable this way.
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Ah!! Got it, perfect pic. Thanks for explaining. :thumbsup:
That's a pretty minor thing to alter.
I saw this deal on RPF and was thinking of getting one. . . the price sure is right. :love
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Either way, its not near as pronounced now as it was on the older version of the helmet.

Tell 'im BatNinja sent ya! :)
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Ahh -getting packages in the mail is always a good thing!

Nice helmet - all resin?

my luck would mean I would drop it as soon as possible and watch it shatter in 100000+21 pieces.
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Nice helmet - all resin?

my luck would mean I would drop it as soon as possible and watch it shatter in 100000+21 pieces.

Believe me, its not much more fragile than any other helmet out there. MonCal still has the helmet I sold him, and wears it ALOT.

I've heard that you can fiberglass the inside for added strength, but I don't know much about the process or cost involved.

No its not. Mine was about 5/16" longer than the base. I just chopped the base off and ordered a bobamaker earcap.

That's not a bad idea... :)
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I bought one of these helmets over on the RPF, and I am almost finished with my paintjob, RF assembly and interior. I'll be posting pics of mine as well, so more people can see these buckets.

This is a very nice helmet. Especially for the price. And Batninja is right about the cleanup. There is a little bit of work, to get it ready to wear, but that is all part of the fun!:)
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Believe me, its not much more fragile than any other helmet out there. MonCal still has the helmet I sold him, and wears it ALOT.

I've heard that you can fiberglass the inside for added strength, but I don't know much about the process or cost involved.

That's not a bad idea... :)

eerie - Tk409 had his break...


Hope he gets on this new run - I know I'm going to try to grab one.

thanks for the picks BN!
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Hey guys, just dropping in to let everyone know I'm going to be out of the shop all weekend, and not to panic if you PM or email me and don't hear back from me right away. 8)
Have a good one! :thumbsup:
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