Scratchbuilt Bucket!!


Well, I've finally decided to post some pics of my scratchbuilt bucket progress. I used WOF's awesome templates, some thin for sale signs, and put in a LOT of time.

I started out by cutting the the "measurement" templates (base, side angles, dome base, etc) out of non-corrugated cardboard. This was just used to get the perfect size. I then rubber cemented the templates on the back of the for sale signs. It actually came together pretty easily with some hot glue on the inside to get a quick hold. I then went back over it with some epoxy filler, spackling paste, and super glue. Here are some update pics and NEVER substitutue chrome paint for gray primer. It was horrible sanding it and getting paint to stick.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Taylor 010.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Taylor 011.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Taylor 012.jpg

I also don't recommend cutting out the visor before you actually have the visor. It leads to warping of the mandibles so I had to glue temporary supports. And yes, I do have an Episode 1 blanket :facepalm...but I retired it a week ago as I transition to college and the military.

I decided to post some pics of my homemade mannequin also!! Check out this tutorial. It was helpful and is VERY cost effective!
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Taylor 013.jpg
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Taylor 014.jpg
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\Taylor 015.jpg

I'll get some more pics of the bucket soon with the finished dome and paint job!
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Actually, your girlfriend looks like she's having a lot of fun wrapping you up in that stuff. Maybe too much fun? LOL

I've been thinking I want to do something similar for one of my projects. Considering my size, I would guess my 3PO project would be the most logical choice.... whenever that happens.... some day, in the future.

Cool job so far. I'd like to see where it ends up.
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