New Bucket Collector


New Hunter
In search for a Boba bucket to start my very first cosplay! I am looking for the best bang for my buck and what you guys think is the best out there. Looking for guidance as I am new to the cosplay scene. Any and all advice is welcomed and appreciated.
I think before you buy anything, you'll need to decide just what flavor of Boba you're wanting to do. That could matter when looking for a helmet to purchase.
If you're *just* cosplaying and not looking for accuracy I'd suggest the Black Series. Cheap, not very accurate, but people will know who you are. Best bang for buck is the eFx PCR.
If you're *just* cosplaying and not looking for accuracy I'd suggest the Black Series. Cheap, not very accurate, but people will know who you are. Best bang for buck is the eFx PCR.
I have been recommended the EFX 2 times and the only thing I see as a draw back to it, is the lack of padding inside. Which I don't even know where to begin on that
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