Rubies before and after...

Maybe its just a matter of how the vendor labled it. Sorry if I spoke out of turn there. When I was shopping for mine, I saw yours labled as 'standard', and mine labled as 'deluxe'. My bad, I guess mine would be the 'collectors' one then?
Wow, that's amazing. Is it the hard plastic or the rigid latex version?

Since you're so good at fixing a Rubies, would you be my hero and tell me how to fix this? It's the rigid latex version.


I've tried everything and got squat accomplished.

... you may want to hide that somewhere... How did it get that deformed?
I think they are like the latex/vinyl Halloween masks... At least thats how it looks... They pop up on here all the time. His is the 3rd that I've seen so far (outside of sale pics) and they all look like that.
only the third?

I bought it warped, and for $15 for two I couldn't turn it down.
The other one is the one being used with my armor, I'll try to get a decent pic of the helmet sometime.

The official Rubies website listed it as "item #3148 Adult Boba Fett™ Mask"
link here
Uh... Maybe you could build a wire frame of some sort to hold the right shape, and then line it with plaster bandages?

I don't know what its made from, and have little experiece with fiberglass, but I think that fiberglass might eat the material. Then again, I don't know how rigid the plaster would be either... Never used it...

Just some ideas. I'm sure that someone will chime in and confirm, or shoot em down.
get a bowling ball, cram it into the bucket, then find a closet that has hot water pipes running through it. put the bucket on the dome and leave it in there for at least a week (if you don't have any hot water pipes running through a closet then get a small heater/fan from walmart and put that in the closet on the low heat setting). just keep it at a temperature in the 90's or low 100's. after about a week take it out and let it cool at room temp with the ball still inside it for a week. after that, blast it with cold water for good measure and finally take the ball out. you should have a pretty good re-formed rubies bucket at that point.
Thanks everyone for the compliments... I added some more pics to the top post of the rest of the helmet.

Once I hear back from T-Bone about one of his mini Fett buckets, I'm gonna eBay this thing. Its too big for my son. It scrapes his shoulders even with padding. His last Rubies helmet I guess was smaller (or shorter)... It was the two piece Jango.

How much do you guys think I should ask? $100? $125? Or is that too much for a reworked Rubies?
why go ebay for $100? Sell it to me for $5 and we'll call it even.

I'd say $50 on 'bay would be ok for this, but you put in more work than that, so go wiht the $100...........unless you want to take me up on the $5 deal. ;)
I put it up for BIN at $125... I think thats a decent price considering that they sell for $65 stock. It has a good visor, has been reshaped, and has a fair paintjob. If I was looking for a cheap bucket, I'd buy it. ;)
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Wow, that's amazing. Is it the hard plastic or the rigid latex version?

Since you're so good at fixing a Rubies, would you be my hero and tell me how to fix this? It's the rigid latex version.


I've tried everything and got squat accomplished.

Not wishing to discourage you, but this bucket is the VERY same 'bucket ala carte' that I bought over a year ago. I posted here to show what a nightmare it is. I baked it in the oven, got a cold shower with it to cool it to form. Then, after one night, the bucker sorta 'remembered' it's previous form, and it was warped again. I did this three times before stricking it to my Eeyore doll (yup, I'm planning to make him Boba Eeyore as soon as I get some time), and decided to go for a decent bucket from here, which is still on a hold (real life problems, SERIOUS ones). If you can resurect that, you will be my new hero. It will need serious re-shaping, structuring and other not-so-tender care. As well as a new paintjob... For one thing, it IS agood base to try your paints on though.. Byt the way, that very helmet has been labelled as 'collector's item' is priced for as much as 75$...May the force be with you on this one. Cheers, Ville
It that mask rubies Standard or The Collectors Helmet?
What can I put in It to strengthen it, some people say not to use Fiberglass because it may melt it some say to use fiberglass.
What Is the Best way :facepalm
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