Rubies before and after...


Active Hunter
Just wanted to post a pic of my sons new bucket... The top pic is not the actual helmet, but its exactly how it looked out of the box.







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Nope... No progress pics... I didn't think anyone would be interested in seeing them. There was no real modding done to it besides the shaping. All I did was sand off the Rubies logo, wet-sand the old paint, and reform it with a blow drier.

The only tip that I can give for anyone else that wants to do one is to over form it when you reshape it. I mean REALLY over form it... The opening should look like a skinny football. Toss it in the freezer to cool, then take it out and as you handle it to cut the visor out, it'll work itself into the shape that you see in the pic. Since it was over formed, it won't go all the way back to its original shape... It also won't need a craft ring.
No problem... I forgot to mention though... Wedge something in there when you put it in the freezer. I used a flip-flop, but anything will work as long as its about the right length. A paper towel roll would probably do the job just fine.
were you able to make the dome more rounded or is it still flat? It's hard to tell in that pic. I had one of these and tried to modify it but in the end I just ended up breaking it.
were you able to make the dome more rounded or is it still flat? It's hard to tell in that pic. I had one of these and tried to modify it but in the end I just ended up breaking it.

I didn't really do anything to the dome because I like the way that it looks... Once the sides are pulled out, it doesn't look too shabby at all.
Wow, that's amazing. Is it the hard plastic or the rigid latex version?

Since you're so good at fixing a Rubies, would you be my hero and tell me how to fix this? It's the rigid latex version.


I've tried everything and got squat accomplished.

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