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I used Acrylic Black for the weathering applied with a sponge.

The base helmet is a Fiberglass from a DP 95.
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Alright! I got weathering props from the clone :) . Weathering was what most gave it character I think.
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Man, just when I thought I was getting good and telling
the different helmets apart.

Still... an amazing job!
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:) ya I kind of half frowned and half smiled when you thought it was a Rubies :) . It's cool though. Actually, my video camera makes it look a bit longer and less flared than it appears to my eyes, but it still looks pretty good. Thanks again for the kind words.
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maybe i should have a "I wanna be shockwave" fan club!!

u inspire me!! i would get mine starting and its gonna be a first for me too!!!! Great job on the bucket!!
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Testors has a good 'buffable' metallic paint which is airbrushed on. I have used it and when I did it looked like real metal. I used different tints and buffed some areas more than others and it created a very realistic metal paintjob. But there is a catch 22..... Handling it will ruin the paint :facepalm and clearcoating over it will protect it but you will loose the realistic look to it. Might as well just use silver paint and weather it.
I just use that type of paint only on scale models now where it will be for display.

BTW- Excellent helmet, you did a great paintjob on it! :thumbsup:
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Awesome job!
Since I'm new to all this? I have a question- Was there some kind of sealer you put over the Rub-n-Buff?
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I am not him so I'm not sure but I'm assuming he didn't. The Rub 'N Buff is like a wax and a sealer wouldn't apply well. I'm not sure about this but I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere...
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No, there is no sealer for the Rub-n-buff. And some clearcoats will bead up on it if applied. I've tried a mette coat that works, but dulls the finish. Best to leave it as is.
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Thanks for the info--I would have made a terrible mistake!!
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:) :thumbsup:

The only thing that I could see having to do is maybe reweathering over time because I'm not sure now well the acylic will hold to the RubnBuff but thats no big deal, just some detail sponging. So far it's just as it was when I finished though.
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I went around and bought about 10 tubes.I still have 9 1/2 left.LOL The stuff really goes far.You should probably get two just in case so you can practice first.
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