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I used a crome paint that looks pretty good once it's clear coated. But, I'm seeing all these pictures of people's stuff with rub n' buff, and they blow my paint job away. So, I though I may give it a shot.
So it's just like regular paint, except you "rub and buff?" Do I still need to primer and all that? I really just don't know what this stuff is.

I went to the links (thanks Sith_Camaro) and they say it's in a tube. How much did you use?
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A little goes a LONG way. No primer is needed. It's basically just a carnuba car wax. Just wax on, and (not really) wax off!
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Wow! Sounds cool! Unfortunately, I've got a lot of sanding to do now. I gotta get rid of all that paint and clear coat! Aaaarrrgh!
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Silver leaf is what was used on the actual costume. Just use some sandpaper and scratch up the surface before you put the RNB on. This will give it a true aluminum look.
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I'm no Jango man, but I always thought you guys meant Rub n Buff was a black paint used to weather the armor. :o Glad I didn't try to "weather" my Boba armor with it!
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Blastech wrote:

I'm no Jango man, but I always thought you guys meant Rub n Buff was a black paint used to weather the armor. :o Glad I didn't try to "weather" my Boba armor with it!

Dude I thought the EXACT same thing hahaha. (great minds think alike)
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Man, I've looked at every Michael's in town, and they're all sold out of the Silver Leaf! I clicked the links to buy on-line, but one has a shipping cost of something like $14, and the other two have a minimum order of $25. Will I actually need $25 worth of this stuff? That's at least like 6 tubes! MY KINGDOM FOR SOME RUB AND BUFF!!!!!!
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I picked up 2 tubes and almost went through 1 of them. A little bit of that stuff goes a long way
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1 tube ALREADY?! You're using too much. I've still got about a half tube left, and I've painted about 2 costumes worth with it! :)
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im wondering if the rub and buff needs some kind of clear coat...i've tried to clear coat but somehow it gives it a more greyish color instead of the original chrome...maybe im doing something wrong...please help?..:)
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Clear coat isn't the best thing to try to use on it. it's a wax. You really can't coat a wax well with anything. When I tried it on my helmet, it beaded up and ran down the helmet.
If you end up getting a clear coat on an RNB surface well, then you didn't put a good coat of RNB on it.
It's basically a car wax. If you wax a car, and get it wet or anything, it'll bead up.
You have 1 of 2 options: use the RNB without a clear coat. If any of it rubs off enough to where you can see the surface beneath, just put another coat of RNB over the area. OR, you can skip using RNB, and use brush n leaf. It's the exact same thing, except in paint form. Or, you can do like I did, cover it with BNL, then use a coat of RNB, just for the heck of it. If it rubs off enough, it'll only show the silver painted surface beneath.
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Here's where I finally ordered my R&B from.

They have reasonable prices, no minimum order, and the shipping cost isn't crazy expensive. YAY!!!!

Oh yeah, hey sith_camaro, my armor is already painted in a chrome color. I thought I would lightly sand it, but not enough to take it off completely, then put the rub and buff on. That way I'll have the chrome under the R&B if it rubs off. Do you think that'll work?

Oookay, let's edit this ONE more time! What did you use to apply, then buff it with?
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