ROTJ helmet out of tone??


Well-Known Hunter
I'm currently painting another one of those 1/6 scale screamin models and using my own suit parts as reference rather then the real suit...

except for the helmet, as I don't have one yet...

now I got basic colours aplied on it (the body and all is finished) and it just looks... strange...

I've heard comments on the ROTJ bucket before, but it just looks... well read the thread title... the greens on both the mandibels and the back are out of tone.. the red, wich is almost pink like is out of tone (much lighter then the gauntlets and the jet pack's red...)

is it supposed to look like that or is it just me being a bad painter??

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would it be something like this?? can't say I like it... even though this is crued... use your imagination :p

With an excellent paint job on the rest of the figure, it's easy to see your painting skills are not in question.

Did you use ESB base colors?

Joe Johnson, who we believe painted the ESB helmet, did not paint the Jedi helmet. And while the artisan who painted the Jedi used floquil paints, it's more than likely they used different colors than Joe.

Also, the Jedi helmet has washes and areas of overspray that make it difficult to figure out exactly what the base colors might be.
personally, i think it looks phenominal. Even the bucket. Just add the silver/chrome and I would say you are good to go.
thnx for the compliments guys :)

as for the ESB base colours... no I hand mixed it all using acrylics and a brush.

hmm... but then the jedi helmet wasn' t painted by Joe.. but I thought that Joe didn't paint the rest of the suit either.

so the empire helmet should have an equally "strange" appearance with the ESB suit as the jedi helmet does with it's own suit... am I making sense here?

might wash some dirt on and stuff... maybe that'll help...

this is a nice preperation for when the BM bucket gets here..
Joe did paint a suit, but it's unclear which suit he painted.

Actually, I think the ROTJ helmet compliments the armor pretty well. Here is your model paint up next to two images of the suit at MoM. Maybe it will help illustrate the tonality of the helmet compared to the armor.

so... I gues I shouldn't use this photo for colour reference then...

I might have some stills from the skiff scene that will show a nice colour...

I'm a bit lost here...

R_boba_fett said:
I might have some stills from the skiff scene that will show a nice colour...

This is the best one I have that shows the bucket and the gaunt in comparison to color. Hope it helps.



  • skiff.gif
    6.4 KB · Views: 342
ok, I finished the model, and the helmet looks ok now, acceptable colours, also for the real one when I get it.

front flash.JPG





low angle 2.JPG

low angle 3.JPG

low angle.JPG
there is no point for connecting the sucker, it's made of tin I think, like the rifle, rocket and jet pack and knee armor greeblies, hardly stuck to each other with the right glue, so this never worked, I never had a RF on my previous screaming either.
:D he he

thnx Kripps... gonna watch the sucker for drooling around my room at midnight being all pale and stuff now... :p

thnx people:)
the RF top would still be tin... but it's ok.
besides, wouldn't stick now at all, because of the paint... would require a sanding etc, don't feel like doing that.
Use cyano acrylate glue - only a very thin layer on both the rangefinder and the top of the ear - and then hold it in place for at least five minutes, minimum. You should not be able to see the clue, since you didn't use a thick layer and it should work perfectly. Try it and let me know how it turned out - if you are willing to risk it, of course.

Carsten Hedegaard
well that's just it... you can't hold it there steady enough for the glue to hold... without getting you're fingers stuck, the scope and the jet pack greeblies could just be left alone for a while and theyd hold them selves down.

the RF won't withstand a single touch anyway, even the scope broke off during painting allready...

no RF on this model...
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