Rangefinder LED unit - now available


Active Hunter
I wanted to split this out of the other thread, since now we have a web page up!!!

Check out: http://www.hyperdynelabs.com/products_elec_bountyHunterLight.php

You can find all info on the unit there. Everything is assembled and ready to pop in your RF - the board includes the tilt switch, 2 front LEDs and backlit LED. The LED unit has 4 different sequencing modes (ESB pinging, normal ping pong, 2 random modes). Package also includes Energizer batteries in blister pack.

Orders already placed will be shipping immediately. Any questions let me know...

Jim,how does the pinging work or select the one we want? Is there an external speaker we need to have the pinging? I didn't know that the pinging was going to be part of the boards capabilities...AWESOME :thumbsup:

The pinging is not enabled for these new boards, although it could be made an option. It all depends how much room is left over in the RF. On my previous unit the speaker took up a lot of room in the RF. So I am not sure if it will fit with the extra LED. We'll see once I can do some test fitting.

BTW, the pinging plays out in cadence with the blinking LEDs. So it automatically pings in "beat" with the blinking you select with the jumper pins.


DL44 Blaster said:
Jim,how does the pinging work or select the one we want? Is there an external speaker we need to have the pinging? I didn't know that the pinging was going to be part of the boards capabilities...AWESOME :thumbsup:

In case anyone wants to know, These will not fit in the Rubies rangefinder without some major work. They are to tall. I guess I will be on the hunt for a hollow rangefinder . . .
Marrow Sun is still working on hollowing out his rangefinder which is the BEST yet with the 3tier design it is most like the original. All the ones to date have had a lid type design which is great,but leaves room for accuracy.........MS will deliver on that I'm glad to say :D

I'm holding out for his.

Hey Jim I have a Boba Maker hollow range finder on the way . Will this set up fit inside ? Can you PM me with the cost . Thanks

Well it seems I am not up to date on hollow RFs. I designed this board to fit in an older DP hollow RF, which had plenty of room (I could even fit a speaker in there!).

Not sure what the rubies looks like, it may be smaller. Just a note: You can move the red LED leads and even move the battery springs if that helps out at all. I am willing to help out but I dont have every variation of hollow RF at my disposal...
I just got my hollow RFs from BobaMaker today, and sadly, Jim's set up doesn't fit. I'll try experimenting with a few different things to see if I can make it work. Any one have any ideas? Width wise it's fine, but height wise, the tilt switch, bottom LED and jumper pins are all in the way, making the set up too tall. :confused
Ok, here are some pics, to give every one an idea. As I mentioned, the components on the bottom of the board make it too tall to fit in the RF, however it still leaves alot of free room to the right side (from looking down on the RF). I've carefully repositioned the tilt switch and the white LED to be further to the right side of the board (as you can see in the last pic), making that side slimmer. The only problem now is that the jumper pins still prevent the board from sitting down all the way in the RF. Later tonight, I am going to try dremelling out a small slot in the bottom of the RF that the jumper pins will slide into, which will hopefully allow the LED board to sit flush in the RF. The next foreseeable problem though is that the Pins that the red LEDs sit on seem to be too tall, meaning the LEDs will not sit low enough in the RF. Need to find a way to shorten these.





So this is what I did before on my older boards, I may have to do this now.

You can take the batteries off the board and also remove the battery springs (they are just soldered on). Then run some small wire from those pts and put the batteries up at the front of the RF. I know that fits for sure.

I thought the batteries would clear the top but it looks like they wont. It's an easy fix that should make the board fit without any other modifications.

If someone can point me to where I can get a Bobamaker RF then I can try this out too...
I spent some time last night further hollowing out the RF, and I've got it to a point where it almost fits perfectly, but the batteries are still preventing the lid from closing flush by about a milimeter. I'll work on it some more tonight and post pics. If it doesn't work, I'll try removing the battery springs.
Wow, great work! Let me know how it goes, I would love to see your final pics.

The only reason I didnt put the batteries on the front end of the rangefinder in the first place was because I didnt want to cover up the transparent window that was gonna be backlit....
C*E*N*O*B*Y*T*E said:
I spent some time last night further hollowing out the RF, and I've got it to a point where it almost fits perfectly, but the batteries are still preventing the lid from closing flush by about a milimeter. I'll work on it some more tonight and post pics. If it doesn't work, I'll try removing the battery springs.

What if the header pins were mounted on the same side as the batteries? Would that give you enough room on the bottom so everything would fit better?
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