go to the smooth-on website, www.smooth-on.com, and download the free pdf on how to make a mold using RTV silicone rubber. there are plenty of pictures and it makes it easy for beginners to follow
go to the smooth-on website, www.smooth-on.com, and download the free pdf on how to make a mold using RTV silicone rubber. there are plenty of pictures and it makes it easy for beginners to follow
I would also buy their DVD. It is great. I would also go to www.freemansupply.com as well. They also have online video and a DVD. I would also get The Prop Builder's Molding & Casting Handbook (Paperback)
go to the smooth-on website, www.smooth-on.com, and download the free pdf on how to make a mold using RTV silicone rubber. there are plenty of pictures and it makes it easy for beginners to follow