Question About These Boots

Boba Fett

Active Hunter
Hello everyone I am in need of some assistance. I have been looking at some reference pics trying to identify what film these Boba Fett boots are from, any help identifying them would be greatly appreciated.

I saw those same boots and thought someone had attempted a custom Mando. I don't know if they were supposed to be any other prop. Also I didn't think they could be made to be a pair of Fett boots without some reasonable amount of modifications :lol:
MacRory said:
I saw those same boots and thought someone had attempted a custom Mando. I don't know if they were supposed to be any other prop.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. I couldn't figure out where Fett wore blue and green :confused
DonnieDarko688 said:
Are they bad boots?
I've never worn them myself, but they definately are not canon. You can paint them if you wish, but they lack the square toe. You may be able to get away with painting them.
GCNgamer128 said:
I've never worn them myself, but they definately are not canon. You can paint them if you wish, but they lack the square toe. You may be able to get away with painting them.

I think I will just get myself a pair of CA boots. Hopefully a 13.5 will fit me, fingers crossed.:lol:

There is a photo of the boots on their website. They always have horrible pictures to hide the quality of their props.

And he ran off to the Phillipines becuase he is a sex offender in the United States, and there is no extradition in the Philipines I guess.
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GCNgamer128 said:

There is a photo of the boots on their website. They always have horrible pictures to hide the quality of their props.

And he ran off to the Phillipines becuase he is a sex offender in the United States, and there is no extradition in the Philipines I guess.

Yeah I saw those, I had been thinking about buying a few pieces that they have but hadn't really been convinced about how their stuff looked.
DonnieDarko688 said:
Yeah I saw those, I had been thinking about buying a few pieces that they have but hadn't really been convinced about how their stuff looked.
And half of his pictures appear to be drawn in paint.
DonnieDarko688 said:
HAHA, yeah I noticed that. :lol:
"Buy my BS, you don't need to see a real picture, instead I took the time to draw this armour for you here in Microsoft paint, and it might look better if I ever mail you the item you paid me for."
GCNgamer128 said:
"Buy my BS, you don't need to see a real picture, instead I took the time to draw this armour for you here in Microsoft paint, and it might look better if I ever mail you the item you paid me for."

Well they sure are not making money off of their paint skills.
DonnieDarko688 said:
Well they sure are not making money off of their paint skills.
People do buy from until they visit TDH. Like my GML, for some reason he just likes SFP, I can't stand that crap, and I hate it when he walks around in that suit. THe SFP gauntlets weigh about 15lbs EACH. I have no idea how he can wear those, I love my "light as a feather" Ruffkintoy gauntlets.
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