Pre-Pro #1 and #2 Armor Color?

Jodo Kast 2749

Active Hunter
I would normally blame the lighting or the quality of the pics but all of the other colors seem normal. Is it me or is the Pre-Pro armor more of a greyish blue?


I'm not lucky enough to have one of those awesome ref. CDs but I'm sure there are more images out there.
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the green is basicly the same as the ROTJ as well as the red... heck.. IMO there all the same... but I have seen color corect pics that show me that... sadly I dont have rights to them otherwise I would post em. But Micke nailed the colors on his thread for his Prepro paint job. Same colors I am using on my ROTJ I am painting for Ripcode.
See, I'm not 100% sold on them being the same as the Pre-pro 3 helmet and armor. They obviously had to repaint to cover the "eyes" and they added a dent as well.
Hmmmm... meditate on this I will. :)
I've been trying to find a good color as well, since I love this version of Boba. I'd probably try to match the color seen in the photos instead of the color it really is, since one of the reasons I like this version is because of the color I see in the photos, which I agree looks like a grayish blue.
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