possibly the coolest Nerf gun converted to custom mando weapons


Active Hunter
this was an awsome find at target I could not get it home fast enough to start painting



its funny I saw it and thought it was very cool they had 6 I went back about 15 min later and they had one left I grabed it and then a kid came around with his (I guess grand parent) and saw that there were no more left I almost felt a little bad ALMOST :lol:
its funny I saw it and thought it was very cool they had 6 I went back about 15 min later and they had one left I grabed it and then a kid came around with his (I guess grand parent) and saw that there were no more left I almost felt a little bad ALMOST :lol:
That gun is just freakin' HUGE! How much was it?

I never had toy guns when I was a kid. Well I had a few, I never played with them though. I perferred action figures! Star Wars still rocks :)
Hmmmm.... how come I can not find that gun anywhere on the net?
Do you remember what the name is, besides Nerf :p ?
that would be it I think it came out at the very begining of the month so it was a good find I even found a website that tells how to mod it to make it shoot farther.
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