Please don't laugh

Jamie Fett

New Hunter

I am progressing nicely with a Boba fett suit and am addicted to the idea of doing this properly. Its slow progress but then the best things are I guess.

However despite watching the films on pretty much a monthly basis since their release and owning the figures, I never realised their were such significant differences between the ESB armour and the ROTJ. (I only spotted it when I was looking at pictures of gaunlets and realised some were green, some red, like how did I miss that?)

I've got the obvious differences like the jet pack, decals and like I say gaunlets but I've read about differences in for example, the belt and chest display.

Can someone give me a break down of what all the differences are between the two films costumes?

There are colour diferances between the helmets as well as different shaped RF Arrays, the flightsuits is a blue-grey in ESB with matching side pouches whilst the ROTJ is more tan-grey. ESB Boba has boot spats whilst ROTJ Boba has ankle ties, Jet Pack and gauntlets are green in ESB, with the flame unit a series of exposed pipes, ROTJ has the "tutifruiti" jet pack and red guantlets with the flame unit a box. The blaster is very different too.
I started a writeup at one point about what was different, but ultimately I think it came down to "you can wear the same shoes" and that's about it...

Almost everything is different: helmet paint, jet pack, gauntlets (not just the color, the gauntlets themselves are different), the belts are different, the cape... the list goes on and on.
I started a writeup at one point about what was different, but ultimately I think it came down to "you can wear the same shoes" and that's about it...

Almost everything is different: helmet paint, jet pack, gauntlets (not just the color, the gauntlets themselves are different), the belts are different, the cape... the list goes on and on.

What he said:thumbsup:
Welcome to TDH! You will never find a more wretched hive. . . well. . . you know the rest. :lol:
Lots of good info on the board. And people like to help out.
Like people have already mentioned, there are significant differences between the costumes, so if you're "addicted" to doing it right, the first thing you should decide is which version you like better. Study any and all reference pics you can find, and decide whether you want to go ESB or ROTJ.
Then you'll have a good starting point.
Have fun with your costume. Post pics! We love pics around here. ;)
Thats all been really helpful thanks.:thumbsup: I watched ESB and ROTJ again yesterday pausing as I went along and simply cannot understand how I missed this. The differences are pretty clear when you know what to look for.
I think by accident I was building my costume around ROTJ but I think I like the ESB better. So I'm at a crossroads!

Do folk mix and match? i like the colouring on the ROTJ jet pack more than the ESB one. Or (as I suspect) is that Heresy:thumbsdown:
well, my helmet is ESB, my gauntlet is ROTJ, ammo belt is ROTJ while i'm planning to paint the jet pack to ROTJ style...hehehe
Do folk mix and match?

There is the special edition ROTJ Fett (essentially an ROTJ costume with an ESB helmet.) Many people on here do that. However, if you're talking about having certain costume parts ESB and others ROTJ (besides the helmet), I would advise against it because then you won't have a canon costume. But that's my opinion on that.
Do folk mix and match? i like the colouring on the ROTJ jet pack more than the ESB one. Or (as I suspect) is that Heresy:thumbsdown:

grab the pitchforks and torches!


it all depends on what you want to do. if you're making it just to make yourself happy, do whatever. if you want to use this with a group like the 501st, that wouldn't fly.
grab the pitchforks and torches!


it all depends on what you want to do. if you're making it just to make yourself happy, do whatever. if you want to use this with a group like the 501st, that wouldn't fly.

yes i thought that too. think I'll stay true to one or the other. Probably ROTJ. Maybe do ESB another day
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