Pics of My Costume at ILM Halloween Party!

Great pics. WPK's right, the suit looks good on you.

Keep that pics of you and G. If you ever get a writ for intellectual property theft, you can either call him as a Defence witness or turn around and indict him for being an accessory after the fact if he didn't take steps to report you! ;)

It'd be a hoot to know what the LFL lawyers would make of that.


"Your honour, the Defence calls Mr Lucas, owner of the intellectual property in question"

Well done!

BobaFettish said:
Where's George's costume? It's not like he doesn't have access to the coolest costumes made (not to mention that they are the real ones). Actually, if he wanted to go as something outside of Sci-Fi, he could have left his glasses at home, put on a tie-dyed shirt, and a skirt and went as Rupert from Survivor. :lol:


Is that Hobbit-Lover Peter Jackson?!?!
Nah, George likes to be left alone, more or less, so getting my picture taken with him was already a pretty big deal. :) If I had asked him for an autograph, he probably would have fired me! :p

He was at the party last year, too, but I didn't ask to get my picture taken with him. I didn't think it would be appropriate, given my costume:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
So what's your job at ILM? Details, Details, Details.
Was the party for all of ILM or just certain departments? I'm sure you have a lot of stories that the rest of us would be interested in.
jangofett76: Yup, he's the real deal, not one of those counterfeits you see on Ebay... :lol:

Excalibur: I work for LucasArts as a game tester. All Lucas company employees are invited to the party. They call it the ILM party because it takes place at ILM. :) As for my job, I'm afraid there really isn't much to tell besides being able to see movie footage early, playing games before they get released, and hanging out at Skywalker Ranch. But, I'm sure you guys aren't interested in hearing about any of that...

AFettFullofDollars: Uh, the guy behind me isn't exactly "dancing"... :rolleyes
Rammage said:
Excalibur: I work for LucasArts as a game tester. All Lucas company employees are invited to the party. They call it the ILM party because it takes place at ILM. :) As for my job, I'm afraid there really isn't much to tell besides being able to see movie footage early, playing games before they get released, and hanging out at Skywalker Ranch. But, I'm sure you guys aren't interested in hearing about any of that... make me sick! Sweet photos.

Hey, send me an application :D !
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