Paint Question


New Hunter
I am about to re-paint a DP helmet and i was wondering about spray paint. i heard somewhere that certain types stick and leave your helmet tacky. so i was wondering what the best painting method is.
With sanding and Primer you should be fine if you're going with Sprays....

There are plenty of methods POSTED around here....Some Topical, Some masking....I think whatever your skill level is you'll find tons info around..:thumbsup:
darkjediknight said:
I am about to re-paint a DP helmet and i was wondering about spray paint. i heard somewhere that certain types stick and leave your helmet tacky. so i was wondering what the best painting method is.

I honestly believe, especially with having already killed a DP 96 and 97 this year alone before getting my DP 95, that there IS a difference in the materials DP used on the helmets.

For example, with my DP 95, I had ZERO painting problems with spray paint. With my 96 and 97, it was tacky city all the way and that was after priming and sanding. So, the best advice I can give, as a DP guy, is to BE PATIENT and take your time. Also, dont use cheap crap spray paint. I did that as well. Go with the Krylon Fusion paints and bumper chrome.

Just remember to let the paint cure for upwards of three days. If you need any help, shoot me a PM.
Try the Tetrsly (I think I mispelt that) spray paints, I used them on my knee armour and they worked really well. The silver no:20 is especialy nice :thumbsup:
I just sprayed the dome and cheeks... the rest was hand painted on with vry durable hard coats of paint.

then I started washing on some more colours to get the right look and make it more matt.

the washes and misting techniques will vanish almost evry single brush stripe!! never anticipated that but that's the way it went :)
On the subject of paint, does anyone have any good sources for ESB bucket colours in the uk? I do have a lead on water-based acrylic paints (thanks bobamaker) but I was just wondering what other UK Fetts have used.

I know the Testor range of paint are the best but they cant be purchased form the UK :( and Im looking for the most accurate colours possible.
welsh_bounty_hunter said:
On the subject of paint, does anyone have any good sources for ESB bucket colours in the uk? I do have a lead on water-based acrylic paints (thanks bobamaker) but I was just wondering what other UK Fetts have used.

I know the Testor range of paint are the best but they cant be purchased form the UK :( and Im looking for the most accurate colours possible.

Hey Welsh, I know this place was discussed in a different post as being a good source for paint, since Testors cant ship to the UK. Give 'em a try:
darkjediknight said:
Its a 97.

Whatever you do, LET THE PAINT CURE. On the 97's, this is VITAL, lol. But, I have seen some damned nice 97's, so, as long as you are patient and take your time, it should turn out great.
Try to reinforce the helmet if possible. ( not required but it helps). You want to sand it down and prime it first. Keep it from bending and wait a few days for the paint to cure. You'll need to take your time with this. Use Acrylic paint since they have a flexing property to them.. Lacquer and some enamles will be to stiff and start cracking after time.
Okay today i bought the spray paints, sand got the helmet in the mail, you'll notice in the pictures i forgot to take pics first started sanding the dome. i plan on sanding it and priming them tomorrow. O and by the way, i was wondering if i should put the new visor in before or after i paint it, i know how to do it i just need to know when. Thanks, more pics tomorrow.Helmet 1 Helmet 2 Helmet 3 Helmet 4
Hey DJK, you will want to put the visor in AFTER you paint it. Swede pointed it out best. If you install the visor before you paint, you will paint your visor and need a new visor.
today i sanded the helmet and primed it. and just a quick question, i didnt know if i had to let the primer sit for 2 -3 days or if i could just start the painting when it dried.
Thank you.
darkjediknight said:
today i sanded the helmet and primed it. and just a quick question, i didnt know if i had to let the primer sit for 2 -3 days or if i could just start the painting when it dried.
Thank you.

On my DP 95, I let the primer sit for 2 days.
welsh_bounty_hunter said:
On the subject of paint, does anyone have any good sources for ESB bucket colours in the uk? I do have a lead on water-based acrylic paints (thanks bobamaker) but I was just wondering what other UK Fetts have used.

I know the Testor range of paint are the best but they cant be purchased form the UK :( and Im looking for the most accurate colours possible.

Tamiya paints are good and available in most model shops, the good model shops anyway :)
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