I read that using a Dremmel on Sintra is bad because it emits a toxic substance. What about using it on regular PVC pipe. I just got my Dremmel and have been carving up the pipe. Am I in trouble or is it just the Sintra thats bad.
Kinda bad to cut with a high speed cutting tool, if it starts to get too hot and melts, it can produce harmful vapors ... but then again so does my sister Just wear a mask, and not just a dust mask, but respirator, you may think it's overkill, but you don't want spots on you lungs in the shape of a Boba blaster, do ya
I cut sintra and PVC with my dremel all the time. It has only been recently that i wear a mask when i cut it. And when i say mask i mean respirator. It keeps the fumes and dust outa my lungs.