Now offering ammo belts


Active Hunter
I am no longer keeping a list of interested people in this thread, due to people posting interest and then not following up. If you are interested, belts will be on a first come first serve basis. I currently have a limited supply of the correct color vinyl, and I have been holding belts for interested people who have not made arrangements with me to pay, while new interested people with money in hand have to wait. As I stated before, I will make belts on a first come first serve basis, as I do not know if I can aquire the same color of vinyl anymore. Those of you who have already contacted me about payment, dont worry, you still have belts reserved :).

I Forgot to mention, I can also do custom colors as well.
I am also open to boba fett costuming related trades

I am now offering my ammo belt making skills to the board. I have made ammo belts for many members here on the boards, and can say I have had many satisfied customers. I can make either ESB or ROTJ style belts. The belts are a light chocolate brown color (ignore the color in the pics, the color is washed out). THe pouches are nonfunctional. The belts will feature the correct number of snaps( non functional), white stitching details, and a velcro closure in the back. Please post your interest In this thread.

I would like $60 shipped to the US or Canada
$65 shipped elsewhere

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Also, if any of my satisfied customers want to post a review, feel free :)
Wow, I bought a belt off of Rimshot a while back for my Jodo costume. I thought his work was pretty decent back then but his new stuff keeps looking sharper and sharper. I'd sign up for one but I've already just ordered an ESB belt from him. :)
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Hey! That's my belt! ;) Seriously, I went out on a limb and bought a ROTJ belt from Rimshot (the very belt pictured)sight unseen and I was very happy with what I received. The color is much more accurate than what the picture shows. I don't have my costume anywhere near complete or I'd post some pictures of it with it on. Great belt, great price.
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He does great work! Rim did a custom belt for me and it turned out top-notch! Thats a damn good price Rim!

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I would be interested in one. I would like a ROTJ one, when would you need the money? PM sent.
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would a prepro belt match more the ROTJ or ESB ? or is it a whole different version altogether?
Also Rimshot what is the estimated wait on one of your awesome looking belts after you recieve the $$ ??
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Yautja wrote:

would a prepro belt match more the ROTJ or ESB ? or is it a whole different version altogether?
Also Rimshot what is the estimated wait on one of your awesome looking belts after you recieve the $$ ??

It depends on which prepro version you choose. As far as the wait, it would be a week at most. I can usually get one done in 3-4 days.
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the one that was used for the cardbaord standup. I think it is prepro 2?
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Whats the difference between the ESB and ROTJ belts?
The only thing i can see is color. The ROTJ is darker.
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Need belt. Is it $50 or $60? Nice looking. 40" inch waist...add a couple for all the gear and layers. Is that size available?

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