New Prototype BKBT Chest Armor


Well-Known Hunter
Just thought I would post some pics of what I have been working on. These have been mostly finished for awhile except for the final smoothing. I still ned to cut chest slots in the left breast plate but I am going to mold & cast it as is so the filler doesn't break away. Constructive criticism is welcome.

ab plate.jpg


left plate.jpg

right plate.jpg

side view.jpg
I'll probably do a small LIMITED run of these but it won't be for awhile yet. I still need to copy the left breast plate so I can cut slots in it (it will be next to impossible to cut them cleanly in the prototype). There is some more final smoothing to do as well. I also need to make up a shoulder bell so I can have a complete upper armor set. There are no plans to do a backplate as these are so large that they are VERY expensive to ship. I am hoping to get some of this ready by Christmas.
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