Armor Cold Cast repair


Active Hunter
I goofed on my placement of my holsters. I'm thinking I can hide the hole with rub-n-buff. Any recommendations on what to use to fill the holes?
I think Buda's idea is best, bondo and rub and buff. From comparisons that I have seen the rub and buff seems to reach a very similar shine.

I am about to switch to this method to secure my thigh plates to the holsters with some chicago screws. How did you get it right the second time? Just want to make sure that I don't run into the same issue.
I think you need to apply more R&B, ypu can see the Milliput through. Anyway, good job with the repair.
The rub n buff was brighter then the cold cast. It actually looks better in person. Most of the holes are behind the holster anyway except that one. I was curious if the pewter rub n buff would of blended better then the silver leaf on the cold cast.
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