New kind of armor

Rc01 35

New Hunter
I want to do something no fan as ever done before. Make a full set of Boba fett armor out of titanium with the visor onthe helmet as bullet proof glass. How do i bend the metal to my body size?
I want to do something no fan as ever done before. Make a full set of Boba fett armor out of titanium with the visor onthe helmet as bullet proof glass. How do i bend the metal to my body size?

Well for starters if you are going to do your armor in titanium you had better be a billionaire like myself. Second why not go with platinum instead of titanium? Oh and I don't think that bullet proof glass is going to stop a laser from blasting you in the face. I would hire a robot to bend the metal for me. :eek:
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Glad to read you've rethought the "bullet proof" thing:lol: And you might want to go aluminum on the armor if you desire metal....

You can use a nice 1/8" thick welders sheild lens for the T-visor like most if not all use.

You'd stand a better chance at walking through hell with a snowball than getting that much titanium and shaping it into armor.;) The government has some influence on where it goes to and has even been complaining on all the marketed razors with titanium.....Boba Fett armor might not get their vote.

Alright. i have the aluminum already from before when i tried making a blaster and failed horribly,But i need some tips on making it into mandalore's armor. any ideas?
is this a good reference pic or should i keep looking?

the closest your gonna get to real armor is using steel itll take a blow from a baseball bat the other one is the visor why not just use shatter proof glass i had a sheet of it in the back yard you could through bricks at it all day i even hit it with a sledge hammer it didnt smash eventually it did but it took about an hour and thats using the sledge hammer
Can I ask why you'd need a titanium, steel or what have you type of armour with a bullet proof visor?

It's not exactly gonna be light and easy to move in, especialy after a few hours trooping or at a con, impressive as it may be. There's also little that can be done in metal that can't be done in plastic or fiberglass. Now if you want a set that can be used to rob a bank... well that's different, although your getaway vehicle will need some serious grunt to cope with the weight of you in armour!
What i reccomend is to use a lightweight sheet metal of some sort. The best way to get that for very cheap, is to go to a local school that has a welding class. They're boundto let u go through their scrap yard for free. :)
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