Need some gauntlet help


Active Hunter
Just received my gautlet kit I bought in the Cargo Hold but I have never done this before. It has no instructions. Can anyone help with the steps I need to do with this? What materials should I have on hand? What is used to put the pieces together?

Ooops pic didn't load for me the first time. The BEST glue to use on styrene is "WELD ON" brand #16cement for Acrylic Sheet 5oz. I got mine from an aquarium supply website years ago.....don't have the link still. It actually melds the plastic together,but use it SPARINGLY as it will stay soft if too much is applied. After that I bent 2" aluminum flatbar to the interior shape and used epoxy to glue it to the inside joint for SUPERIOR strength.......I build stuff to take major abuse. :D Hope that helps...........

Yeah, I learned the hard way of not really using a 2 part major epoxy, cuz when it heated up, it deformed my plastic a tad bit. But something like a 30 min 2 part epoxy would work really good. You will need a piano hinge from Lowes, HomeDepot and that will allow the gauntlets to open and such.

Jango_Fett_Jr wrote:

Styrene....same set I have
CAn you offer me any help if these are the same you have? How do I attach the pieces and fill in any gaps?

Anyone have part numbers for the lights and switches that will need to be added later?
The problem is the flamethrower piece does not have an internal sidewall so I can not rivet it to the gauntlet. In the photo, the side that is facing the carpet is open. Not sure if it was cut or was meant to come that way. I bought it in the Cargo hold. I will need to glue it but don't know what brand/type of glue is safe on Styrene and what type of filler I can use. There are many types of epoxy and since I have never used any of them I am looking for guidance.

DL44 Blaster wrote:

Ooops pic didn't load for me the first time. The BEST glue to use on styrene is "WELD ON" brand #16cement for Acrylic Sheet 5oz. I got mine from an aquarium supply website years ago.....don't have the link still. It actually melds the plastic together,but use it SPARINGLY as it will stay soft if too much is applied. After that I bent 2" aluminum flatbar to the interior shape and used epoxy to glue it to the inside joint for SUPERIOR strength.......I build stuff to take major abuse. :D Hope that helps...........

Found some info on Weld On adhesives if anyone is interested:

Now I just have to find where to get it!
that looks to me like a MB kit. I could be wrong, I'm not exactly an expert and recognizing the various kits. But I do have MB's so I'm fairly certain. You might want to check his website, I think he has instructions posted there in PDF.

padawan_schlicher wrote:

that looks to me like a MB kit. I could be wrong, I'm not exactly an expert and recognizing the various kits. But I do have MB's so I'm fairly certain. You might want to check his website, I think he has instructions posted there in PDF.

Can you PM me his website?
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