neck seal help


New Hunter
okay ive used the search and found little, i need a neck seal and am goint to attempt to make one, first i would like to know if any of you out there know of a tutorial, template, or any way of making one before i go and make one (screw one up). any help is appreciated. Thanks :)
I suggest padding, and making the cloth extend a little between the seem lines, so more cloth, so that the 2 layers of cloth are not tightly connected to each-other... hard to explain in words...

all I can say is that now I've owned one of Tk-409, I'd know how to make one myself :)

it is very possible.
Well, unfortunately the neckseal is so easy to make, that if you don't know how to do it already, it means you probably don't sew, and therefore probably shouldn't attempt it. If you have anyone (mom, gf) that can sew, they will probably know what to do. It's just a straight rectangular collar, stuffed with batting, with the ribs sewn in evenly spaced.
It's either attached to a dickie or the collar of your jumpsuit.
its not just ribbed cloth...

that won't look right, then your neckseal will look like the sleeves of the armor vest... imo that doesn't look right.
R Boba is exactly right,
I know because I tried the same thing and it did'nt look nothing like the "real deal". The collar is padded and "ribbed" in such a way that it softly "folds" over each rib. Thought I'd chime in so you don't loose money on materials. :facepalm
Actually, it is just ribbed cloth. It is stuffed between two layers mind you. The thickness of the batting effects how deep the puckers or (folds) are. It does appear that the batting is thicker in the neckseal. But essentially, yes... Ribbed cloth just like the sleeves. You're just altering your technique a bit. Trust me, I manipulate fabric for a living.
Darth, It does appear to be both folded and ribbed, is it some type of pleat sewed into the cloth as well ? It seems such a simple piece but......
i was thinking i would have one layer of cloth with no ribs or anything and they sew the second folded layer on with stuffing in between, and then have that sewn on to the jump suit with velcro to shut it. i just wondered if anyone had an existing template or anything. if not ill probably be fine. thanks for all the help. oh and how many folds should it have, or does it even matter?
Honestly, what it looks like (and I'm going by the MOM pics) is that the batting shifted because of washing. Which is entirely possible since the neckseal is attached directly to the jumpsuit. Something I'm sure was in need of a wash from time to time. So, it's probably not padded any better/more/differently than the sleeves. It's just taken care of differently.

darkjediknight said:
i was thinking i would have one layer of cloth with no ribs or anything and they sew the second folded layer on with stuffing in between, and then have that sewn on to the jump suit with velcro to shut it. i just wondered if anyone had an existing template or anything. if not ill probably be fine. thanks for all the help. oh and how many folds should it have, or does it even matter?

As far as templates go, it's just a rectangle (or two since you'll be seaming them together and putting batting in between.) Probably 4" tall (this is just a guesstimate) plus seam allowances, and long enough to go around your neck. Anyone else feel free to chime in with your height dimensions here, as I don't really know for sure.
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