my scratch built ammo belt


Well-Known Hunter
Hi ppl

Well there is my attempt at an amo belt. I must admit these are not as easy to make as i had hoped. To all those others who have scratch built belts, i really am in awe of you as all the others i have seen really kick ar$e.

Well here is my feeble attempts (i am not too keen on the white stitching and the lids are all slightly different even though i used a template. The fact i hand stitched it all might have something to do with it though) :facepalm

I suppose the fact that the lids all sit slightly different could give the impression of different items stored in each pouch !!!!



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Looks great to me man! With a little weathering you will there dude. I think the fact that there hand made makes them more authentic and closer to the real deal! Great job!
mrgr8ness said:
Looks good man. I can attest to the time and patience it takes to make them. Are you going to put grommets in it?

I probably will when i come across the correct parts to use. However at the moment i am just happy to have a usable belt.

I guess its one of those things, we will all continually upgrade and improve our costumes :lol:
I'm just impressed that you did all that stiching by hand !!!!

If your not happy with the stich color, heres a tip use the "wash" method to color em whatever color you like. I did this on part of my SFP jumpsuit where I redid a few things and it came out perfect
Pavespawn said:
That looks very good! Especially if it is hand stitched! Belts really are a big task. I know, I've made about 100 of them!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I have seen the quality of yours Pavespawn and they are consistantly excellent. You really have talented hands.
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