Well-Known Hunter
Hi ppl
Well there is my attempt at an amo belt. I must admit these are not as easy to make as i had hoped. To all those others who have scratch built belts, i really am in awe of you as all the others i have seen really kick ar$e.
Well here is my feeble attempts (i am not too keen on the white stitching and the lids are all slightly different even though i used a template. The fact i hand stitched it all might have something to do with it though) :facepalm
I suppose the fact that the lids all sit slightly different could give the impression of different items stored in each pouch !!!!
Well there is my attempt at an amo belt. I must admit these are not as easy to make as i had hoped. To all those others who have scratch built belts, i really am in awe of you as all the others i have seen really kick ar$e.
Well here is my feeble attempts (i am not too keen on the white stitching and the lids are all slightly different even though i used a template. The fact i hand stitched it all might have something to do with it though) :facepalm
I suppose the fact that the lids all sit slightly different could give the impression of different items stored in each pouch !!!!
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