My Replica Michael Myers Suit (film accurate)

Well i don't show my face much around here anymore like i did a few years ago. I kinda fell out of star wars costuming and just starting collecting the props. My new venture is in the horror costuming business. So i give you my Remake Michael myers suit.

The mask is made by the now defunct Cemetary Gates Productions called the Kissfan. Made of thick latex and styled Camel Hair.

The coveralls were made with the same process as the movie one's were. Carhartt Insulated coveralls with the lining torn out. Stone Washed with dye over 20times. Then the accurated patches and holes were added.

The boots are just CAT steel toe boots weathered and scuffed up.

The Knife is a 1970's Lamson Replica made by James Carter. Has a rosewood handle, with a thin piece of rigid nylon in the center with aluminum sides. completely harmless. let me know what you guys think.















Thanks for looking
much appreciated. I don't have much love for the remake but being 6'1 and 240lbs pretty much outrules me in playing the original myers. I also kinda dig the new coveralls...
Yeah, my sideshow display stand found a new purpose lol. Heres a wideview shot of some of my replica masks. from left to right. the warlock (halloween 2) Malevolence (H4) Resurrected (H:Resurrection) Vengeance (jason part 7) CampKiller (vs. Jason) Nightmare (new nightmare freddy)

The First two original halloween movies will always be the best in my book. I didn't mind the first remake since tyler man made an excellent myers, but the new H2 was just trash to me.
Wow! this is absolutely amazing!
Sorry to bring back old threads, but this is just too cool:love.

The first two pictures look like they could be screenshots from the movie(y)(y)(y)!! Where on earth did you get the picture he's holding in the 6th pic?!

Nice jobs man! a great jumpsuit and a some fantastic photography.
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