My overall progress since joining TDH (pic heavy)


Active Hunter
Hey all. I just took these photos today and I got so excited, I had to share them with you all. I'm still so very excited to see my progress... even though I don't have any chest/shoulder/back armor or jet pack...

I joined TDH in May of '06.

Here was my Fett then. This was before I really did my research. It was a sad, sad ESB Fett... I called him "Shoeless Joe." I thought this was the bee's knees!


After much thought, I decided to go SE Fett. These were taken today. They are a little dark and blurry, but I think you might be able to see the difference.:lol: Awesome. I'm so excited to be on the right track. If there is anything you can see that needs to be changed (besides the girth belt) let me know.




Here is the same pose with Flash.


... and a closer look at my Ruffkin Gauntlets.


That's it! Again, I am so very excited to be at this point!

I'd like to thank everyone on this board for contributing with special thanks to Ruffkin, Lionspride, tk409, skygunbro, MOW for his awesome rubber knees, Fett Hunter, Russrep for the toe-spikes and hopefully some knee darts (I ran out of $$), 99centTaco and AFFO$ for his paint list. Thanks all!

All this change in under a year!

I'm so proud! Let me know what you think!

I love the weathering on your jumpsuit, especially on the legs, it looks totally believable. And the MOW gauntlets... i gotta get those too!

I'm trying to decide on what helmet to get myself. What bucket are you using?

I expect the endresult will be an awesome Fett, and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!

I love the weathering on your jumpsuit, especially on the legs, it looks totally believable. And the MOW gauntlets... i gotta get those too!

I'm trying to decide on what helmet to get myself. What bucket are you using?

I expect the endresult will be an awesome Fett, and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!


Those are Ruffkin gauntlets. IMO, you need to weather your jump suit a little more, and get that vest dirty! Since you are an SE Fett now, you will want to paint your EE-3 stock black. Outside of that, you are coming along very nicely.
Those are Ruffkin gauntlets. IMO, you need to weather your jump suit a little more, and get that vest dirty! Since you are an SE Fett now, you will want to paint your EE-3 stock black. Outside of that, you are coming along very nicely.

Oops, sorry for not recognizing Ruffkin's work! They look great...
Argh, that means I need to rethink my decision on gauntlets too... :rolleyes
Ok, sorry about bringing it back, but I had to share with you my updates on my Fett.

I'm a little more acquainted with some of you, as some of you know me as "Lord Krulos" or "Lord Carlos"

It's been about 10 months since the first post, but after acquiring some armor painting and attaching it, I've taken some updated photos.

This may seem like any old Fett... but to me, these photos are so awesome. I am so very excited to be here at this point. After I got it all on for the first time, I stood in front of a mirror for like 15 minutes... wow...what a lamer :facepalm:lol:...

Anyway, here it is... I have yet to paint/attach the collar and back plate, attach my tk409 chest lights and cape, currently working on my MOW jet pack and also need some knee darts.







I love it...

Again, thanks to everyone else who helped me; Fettswatcop, Rex, MLC, DAZ and MoW.

Thanks guys!!!

(hahahah that first picture of my v1 Fett makes me laugh)
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"After much thought, I decided to go SE Fett"

SE Fett????...Special Edition Fett??
I am sorry for not reconigizing it but what is the background on the SE Fett suit
Thank you
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