My new Blasters


Active Hunter
Here is a picture of my rubies blaster that I redid.


Let me know what you think.
nice, but you need to touch up soem with copper paint and fill in those screw holes.
I know, I just painted it. I didn't want to do all the detailing until I saw how good it looked painted.
Dark Jedi,the question is,why did LFL approve it,in the first place?
If you check out the comparo pix I have on the 'blasters' forum,you'll see the size difference between a kenner and a resin screen-used stunt W-34.
It has me stumped why LFL didn't simply allow kenner to mold a 'real' W-34,instead of going to all the hassle of making a new,incorrect mold.
Well,not stumped really,it is plain to see that GL doesen't WANT us to have accurate re-pro's.
Not everyone can buy the Master Edition re-pro's,even though they look great!I'm a middle aged guy,pretty comfortable in life,but,even I have to think long and hard before spending
that kind of money,on a pair of W-34's.
I totally agree,DJ.....why blue?

From what I understand, Rubies target consumer is kids. Children don't really care if it's screen accurate or not. They're just happy to have a set of Jango pistols to run around the neighborhood and terrorize cats with. They make them cheap so parents will buy them. As you know, they have since branched into the "high end collectable" stuff with the new helmets. These are the ones targeted at us, as are the MR stuff. Now, why are the MR and "Super Rubies" stuff so expensive? Because we are stupid enough to buy them (I know from experience). If we as consumers would put our collective feet down and flat out refuse to spend $1000 for the Rubies helmets and $500 for a 30 pound Stormtrooper pistol, they would get the hint. Nothing like a warehouse full of product you can't push to drop the prices.
SO, to answer your question on why GL signed off on it... the allmighty dollar.

Yes,of course,you are right on the,.... sell to kids,not adults................kid's want,and parents pay...
Corporate mentality...
It's all about shifing units........not "give them what they want"...
If only a 'fan' was on the LFL licensing team of lawyers..............
Or,am I the only one to be sick and tired of LFL's inaccurate licenced output........
Might we have something 'screen-used' and molded?
Is that too hard for you all at LFL?..George,you have too many lawyers...................
I know you have 7 Boba feet lids in your archive.........
Mold just one..please?
Well,2 really.ESB and ROTJ,but don't get me off the point here.....

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'Coz I say so..........................

OZFettmaker wrote:

Yes,of course,you are right on the,.... sell to kids,not adults................kid's want,and parents pay...
Corporate mentality...
It's all about shifing units........not "give them what they want"...
If only a 'fan' was on the LFL licensing team of lawyers..............
Or,am I the only one to be sick and tired of LFL's inaccurate licenced output........
Might we have something 'screen-used' and molded?
Is that too hard for you all at LFL?..George,you have too many lawyers...................
I know you have 7 Boba feet lids in your archive.........
Mold just one..please?
Well,2 really.ESB and ROTJ,but don't get me off the point here.....

The above contribution can not be attributed any person,living or dead.

'Coz I say so..........................

Lets take it easy on the lawyer bashing. ahem.

Marketing and advertising are completely distinct entities, and equally nefarious, that are the cause of these problems.....

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