
Well-Known Hunter
Well, this is my newest Baby...Just getting her ready for PRIMER...
I've done a couple of modifications here and there, lots of Bondo. It had a higher than normal dome but I did some severe Dremeling and Sanding on the top of this thing..Still could use a little more, but over all this the BEST MOST BEAUTIFUL Bucket I have ever owned. Well Worth it...(Thanks Marrow);)

I will be Posting updated pics through out....
Ready or not here it goes...





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I'll look forward to seeing the finished product,but I don't envy you on the in between :facepalm Those paintjobs are a killer to ones spare time.:lol:

I enjoy the painting. Mostly touchups and weathering though. It gives me something to do. What sucks is waiting for coats to dry. Yep.

Great bucket, though. I love it. I actually kind of like the higher dome, too. It definately doesn't make it look worse!
I can't wait to see it all finished up. It already looks like the MS_2 needs alot less bondo than the MS_1. I can really see how he cleaned everything up. Awesome bucket.

I am currently working on my MS_1 and it is just eating up the bondo for dinner (a little over exaggeration there). Filling all the seams and pock marks is tedious work. I gotta say I love it though. I love it so much I just ordered my second MS_1 bucket. Wish I had jumped on the MS_2 when I had the chance. Maybe more will be offered. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

AHHH Primer!!!8)
Thought I'd keep up with this thread with more pictures...

My Goal is to show every stage."Hopefully".....Mainly to give, those that need it most, a "visual aid" if you will.
I should start painting this weekend...or later this week. Of Course ESB scheme .


If your doing the Layering methode you might want to use a black primer before the metallic paint for better effect. I was given this suggestion and does seem to make a more realistic metal look. ;)
Spideyfett said:
AHHH Primer!!!8)
Thought I'd keep up with this thread with more pictures...

My Goal is to show every stage."Hopefully".....Mainly to give, those that need it most, a "visual aid" if you will.
I should start painting this weekend...or later this week. Of Course ESB scheme .

Thanks alot for doing that, I am going to try this. My first helmet paint job isnt so good I think mainly because I used U.S. medium green and its to dark. But thats all I had at the time and after I did my armor I figured why not, that was before I wanted to be more accurate.
"HOUSTON... WE HAVE A VISOR!!!!"...:thumbsup:
Did some additional work on some rough spots and installed the VISOR...
I like to install the visor at this point, before the real painting begins.
To me the mess of cutting through fiberglass after you have painted everything is not the way to go..I'd rather just Mask the Visor off and do all the Structural work now. Kinda like body work on a car. For those who have done that before.

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I was wondering at what point I needed to dremel out the visor and install it. This helps! BTW, great looking helmet so far! Judging from your previous work, I can't wait to see the finished product!
Can you say "Chrome Dome"..:p

I put two costs of Testors Chrome #1209..
You must be very careful with this stuff, as it builds up quickly and **over spraying is a very easy mistake...
I like to use Testors Chrome because it hardens very well....
Of course this is the base color of the topical paint scheme I'll be doing...and I use chrome instead of Bright Silver because at the end will go a flat coating...... and well the chrome just holds that "Shine" better..

I've included a pic of the reworked dent I did...the Lighting makes it really hard to see..
So please excuse my bad photography skills..

MS2 Chrome1.jpg

MS2 Chrome2.jpg

MS2 Chrome3.jpg
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Ok, I'm with you so far I got my helmet and cleaned it up, added the scars for the ROTJ version. Sprayed it chrome with Duplicolor engine enamel chrome. I used that for my guantlets to and it seemed to be tougher than regualr paint for the chipping process.
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