my mando armor ish done! (almost)


please tell me what ive done wrong...because there is something bugging me and i cant fingure out what it is...also, i know that i dont have guantlets or a middle chest piece because its at a friends house
Id say that all you really need is an ammo belt, and the codpeice. And I would ditch the boba dent, it's so strange that a good deal of customs get shot in the same place :lol:
dun much use melee combat...this mado is a hunter. not a bounty hunter lol. and i didnt like the cod-piece because it just annoyed me so i took it off and i MAY use a gun...but i doubt working on lots of melee weapons like axes and swords right now for it
so just a hunter?... so you do need a belt. bolas, cleaning knife, traps, extra rope. That and what is your prey? perhaps you need some scratch marks here and there.

if i could get a little more insite into the Mando idea it could help.
i would put some color on the armor, something about a hunter im bright crome just dont sit right. but do your thing man, its yours to do :lol:
oo may i sugest maken the sash out of leather?.. kinds like darth mauls belt. then adding a the second sash after. it gives a harder line and to me seems more "fettt" like
even if you are a hunter, a gun would still be good since in an ambush (if something's hunting you) then nothings better than a blaster, maybe just a small assassins pistol.
I like what you are doing here! It looks good! Like a Captain Jack Mando! :thumbsup:

Although, you seem to have a hole in your your crotchal region... :thumbsdown:
lol its actually the bottom zipper...that flightsuit is my uncle's flight suit from vietnam...and yes, after much debate, i decided to work on a gun, but i havent decided exactly what it will look like...and im working on ammo belts, ect, and its not chrome, its just the flash was really bright, its actually a faded/scratched black with silver vizor part. i like my sash, and i really dun have enough leather for another sash...the armor is crooked because its attacked by velcro. that way i can just take it off and reshape it if i need in that picture! lol, and im trying to do something to the dent, but i havent decided what yet...hmm...
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