My Leather Boba Ammo Belt

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Originally posted by Utinni619:

I know I need to make the pouches thinner and a little longer. I have found a way to dye them the right color. This belt was my first try and I think it came out pretty good. The flaps are hand stitched and have velcro closures, each pouch is riveted to the belt. I gave this a really cool distressed look and I think it would look awesome with a beat up Fett costume.

EDIT: The picture links are dead so they were removed.
Originally posted by TK1028:

Great job! Will the dye rub off or is it clean to the touch? Did you use white thread? If so, does anyone know of a way to keep the dye from turning it brown? The color looks very nice, better than the original I would say. The original didn't look that nice. And the thread was originally white, and eventually yellowed to a cream color. On the original, the pouches were not rivited to the belt. Don't forget to add the stitching on the front of the pouch, yours has the stitching only on the flap. Also, don't forget the stitching on the "belt" portion as well.

Chris Skidmore
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
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$15.99 Natural Cowhide Strip 2-1/2" x 50" #457500
$4.49 Fiebings Dye 4 oz Med Brown #210004

There ya go!

Ooops, one thing I'll need some industrial strength velcro to fasten the belt. You can find that and the grommets as well at most fabric stores. It doesn't cost much either.
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Thanks a bunch! I am excited, I haven't really made much yet, and this will certainly be different than working with plastic. BTW, yours looks UNBELIEVABLE, maybe better than the actual one!
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A few questions. The grometts go all the way through the overlap, right? And it attatches with heavy duty velcro? Do the grommets go through the velcro as well, and finnally, how do you make sure the grommets line up with the overlap?
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The grommets only go through 1 layer of the leather on one end of the belt. They are mostly non-functional, it's the velcro that fastens the belt ends together.

I'll put a little tutorial together with pics once the whole belt is finished.
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What kind of leather did you order for the pouches? I am about to order some leather but there is so many choices! Thanks!
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Spidey2222 wrote:What kind of leather did you order for the pouches? I am about to order some leather but there is so many choices! Thanks!

I ordered 6-7oz vegetable tanned leather for the pouches. This should be just barely under 1/8 of an inch thick. I'm waiting for it to arrive to see whether or not I need something thicker or thinner, but I'm hoping it's just right.
$3.27 per sq foot, Single Shoulder 6-7 oz #9960612
This is about 7sq feet, so, $22.89 total there excluding shipping.

If it's not the correct thickness I've got plenty of other thing I can make with it.
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Thanks for the great info!
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Originally posted by MaxPlague:

I thought I'd post this pic of my belt in progress for all who might be interested in looking. It's still kinda rough, but hey, so is Boba. This is just my prototype, so I'll probably make another one.

Ammo Belt w/o pouches Version 1

Reference Shot used of Boba's belt in back

Like I said, it's still kinda rough. Let me know what ya think :)

- MaxPlague
"There is no emoticon for what I feel right now."
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Originally posted by SSJFett:

Dude, that's awesome! Looks dead on. I don't know if you need a "prototype".


The only reason you're still alive, is because I let you live..
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Originally posted by Braks Buddy:

That is really nice! If you need any suggestions or ref pics, I would be glad to give you some! I am already working with one person to help perfect their fett belt but I would be equally happy to help you!


Restless soul, enjoy your youth - Eddie Vedder
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Originally posted by MaxPlague:

Braks Buddy,
Thanks offering to help me. I do have the Fett CD you set up from the RPF or ASAP (can't remember where). Lots of GREAT reference shots on there!

If you have verbal suggestions or anything else, just let me know. Like I said, this is my first attempt making this belt, so comments for improvement are most welcome. :)

I'll probably be starting on the ammo pouches this week or next week. Still doing mock-ups and working out size issues with them.

- MaxPlague
"There is no emoticon for what I feel right now."
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Originally posted by imprissonedfett:

Great job so far MaxPlague. If you would like a suggestion, though it really isn't important to do this, then I would have used a different color thread for the belt. In all the pics it is a reddish brown or dirty white. Again this is only a suggestion if you are as anally retentive as half the people on the board. Thats all I can see but it doesn't even need to be changed. Again I think it is great. Keep us posted on your progress.

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How much has this cost you so far? I want to make my own, but have limited funds, and I know leather gets expensive...
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The materials for the belt itself cost:
$15.99 for the belt leather (from
$4.99 for the medium brown dye (from
$2.99? for the nickel grommets (bought at Jo-Ann fabrics)
$? the thread was some I had at home, can't remember price
$? shipping to my house (from
$? industrial strength velcro (Jo-Ann fabrics)

Probably cost a total of $30-$35 so far.

(edit-added velcro to supplies list)
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Wow, could you help me out then and point me to the right leather and the right dye's?
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Just finished my ammo belt, it is all leather, the pouches were reinforced inside with plastic, but you can still open them and store things inside. The belt is thinner leather stiched on a sewing machine and then glued to thicker leather to give it weight. I stiched only the thinner leather first before glueing it together so I could use the sewing machine instead of hand sewing both the thicker and thinner leather at one time. I went to put the gold grommets on the holes but the leather was too thick.
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That looks great! Also a good idea on gluing the thinner sewn leather to the thick stuff.
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Doesn't the main belt go the other way? Meaning, when you're looking at it from behind, it would open to the left?
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