My Jango Open Seasons #3 update + son :)


Active Hunter
Hi All, I thought I'd share a few more pics, now that the cape and jet pack are done.

Also, made a mini version for my son.. and he had a blast trooping in it :)




Awesome bro! The new additions really help to finish it off...and your son is the bomb!:thumbsup:

I wish it would snow here!
well... come on up and I'll help you shovel some to take home.. and then offer ya a beer or two afterwards :)
thanks, I was trying to get the unleashed style shot with my son.. but sheesh .. 4years olds.. LOL j/k.

I tell you it was the best feeling being able to walk at a local event with him.
What ref. did you use? I always thought the open seasons jango was more grey rather than blue. Unless my color blindness is totally tricking me on your pics right now.
I did it comparing to the photo where he was jumping down (don't have it handy). In another thread of mine it is there.

I took a piece of sintra applied the base primer coat, then black, then silver. From there I custom mixed colors and let it dry. From that in various light the mix I came up with was very close.

For me, the color is more of a metallic blue grey with silver.
The jump suit has grey, but the swatches which matched were a medium blue, silver, a touch of aluminum and a hint of grey. Which I am guessing we are still talking about the armor?
Thats cool thats your interpretation. But just to me in the battle before he meets the governor and especially when he is talking to the governor his suit looks dark grey and the armor seems a lighter/silver grey. Pretty much how cruzer did his.

Just wish i could photo copy the pages iam looking at right now, tried to take pics but they arent coming out right.

Anyways suit looks good. :)
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