My Girth Belt !

Real Scooby

Active Hunter
My Girth Belt ! PICTURE ADDED !

I was not able to get a mohair belt, so I gave my try to a syntheic one. As we already know, the regular way of tying didn´t work too well. So I tryed something new. I think this hasn´t been mentioned here yet.

My belt was originaly white, then I added two layers of BORDEUX RED HAIR COLOR. ;) I think it came out well.
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Heres the promised picture. It turned out a little to dark, I guess. Might give it another turn with a more red color.
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That turned out REAALY well, Scoob! I never though of hair dye, nor whether it would take to synthetic fiber! Good job! I think the color looks spot on. The goal from what I can tell is a burgundy, marroon, reddish brown; so you're right there.

Shinobi_Fett said:
That turned out REAALY well, Scoob! I never though of hair dye, nor whether it would take to synthetic fiber! Good job! I think the color looks spot on. The goal from what I can tell is a burgundy, marroon, reddish brown; so you're right there.


Thanks ! Well, in that case I will leave it that way and just darken/weather up my pouch belt a little, its way to bright compared to the girth.

I also consider doing a coat of dull transparent spray, maybe I can get rid of the shine of the material.
Heres my finised Girth Belt.

Colored, little weather, added leather straps. Bound the strap like I bind my horse reigns.
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