My Fett Girth Project and Question

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I got my girth thanks to Lynn (had "D" rings in the middle) and looked phenomenal. So I decided to remove the "D" rings and after I did, i hated how it looked. You could see the black vinyl underneath.

So, I removed the center stitching and weaving. After that, I looked at it and almost cried. it just didn't look right, especially after seeing some of the pics here. You could see where their was originally a center piece stiched on, as you can see in the pics I took...




Needless to say, I wasn't too happy, until...


However, is this taken from a fan made Fett or the real Fett? Anyone?

Also, any info on a good way to weather this piece?
I could be wrong, and Pre pro'ers correct me if I am...but isn't that pic from one of the 1st Pre pro. Fett pics? Looks like it to me.:)
Why are you guys still buying this crap,I have a stock of the original girths,can custom fit them,and your'e still buying dyed nylon homemade stuff?
I know i live in another country,and some of you might not like to international buying,but I'm not the only guy with the original girths,so look around willya?
Get the 4 buckle English style girth.
Anything else is just plain WRONG!
I know some folks in North Amarica have access to these,so please,look aroung guys and girls.
If anyone has one,I'd be more than happy to give you a tutorial on how to custom fit them.
Go real,not fake.........
The individual who painted and added soft-parts to the first hand-full of original suits told Rouge Studios they bought the girth in the U.S, because that's where they lived. I know a good portion of Star Wars items and greeblies originated from the UK, but Fett's shoulder braids, girth, and cape (Pre-Pro and Jedi) are not "Euro-centric" items. So, it should be relatively available in the U.S.

And, yes, that is the Pre-Pro you post above. It's important to note that only the Pre-Pro 1 (Eyes Suit) and Pre-Pre 2 girth was that dark brown color. The EBS and Jedi had a little more maroon in them.

OZFettmaker wrote:

Why are you guys still buying this crap,I have a stock of the original girths,can custom fit them,and your'e still buying dyed nylon homemade stuff?
I know i live in another country,and some of you might not like to international buying,but I'm not the only guy with the original girths,so look around willya?
Get the 4 buckle English style girth.
Anything else is just plain WRONG!
I know some folks in North Amarica have access to these,so please,look aroung guys and girls.
If anyone has one,I'd be more than happy to give you a tutorial on how to custom fit them.
Go real,not fake.........

Ummm... I don't know exactly what part of the post above you missed but that IS a real horse girth, not "homemade stuff." YOu would think before spouting off like that, you would at least look to see that it is indeed the correct style which is readily available here in the states from a number of retailers.

OZFettmaker wrote:

Why are you guys still buying this crap,I have a stock of the original girths,can custom fit them,and your'e still buying dyed nylon homemade stuff?
Go real,not fake.........


I don't know if you had your glasses on or can even see to read his post, but that is a REAL MOHAIR 14 ENGLISH STRAND GIRTH!!!!!!!!!

I know, I sold it to him.....

You need to get your eyes checked so you can read and understand the posts.

Good grief.... :rolleyes

I think that judging by his current circumstances Ozfettmaker may have a little more on his mind at the moment. Perhaps we should forgive him for this lack of attention yeah?
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