
Active Hunter
ok. i present my modifyed Sci-Fire blaster. i have re weathered it. replaced the rubber flash tube with a heiland (saving my MPP for a HS webley & i dont want to wreak it by cutting it) that i cut to the same length. i have also weathered the flash tube so it looks like it was fired. i painted the grip the correct color. ans i reweathered the stock to look more like the screen used one. you will knoticw that my greebles arnt there. this is cause i still have yet to buy the center peice from OM. i have also replaced the rubber scope with a real scope. the rubber one was driving me nuts. its not completely dont but its all i can do for now.
BTW i have a little test for you guys.;) if your right you will get a reward. after you guys have guised right i will share my little secret
Tell me what type of scope is on my blaster. anyway to the pics.
Oh and tell me what you guys think of it. TY







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Looks great so far. :thumbsup: Like the weathering on the end of the barrel.

I'll take a guess that the scope is a Tasco 4x20.
Knowing my luck though, it's probably a Simmons...
Jun Garros Fett said:
Looks great so far. :thumbsup: Like the weathering on the end of the barrel.

I'll take a guess that the scope is a Tasco 4x20.
Knowing my luck though, it's probably a Simmons...

BING BING BING!!! we have a winner. anyway your prize its having the satisfaction of being the first one to guise what it is and win.

i cut the rubber scope off of its rigs (was the hardest thing i have done with the suit so far) and replaced it with my old tasco after taking its rings off. took a tone of work to get it to fit into the space of the old scope. so it still has the rings that it should. trust me its alot harder cuting those rings off than it sounds. ill never do that again

oh and the weathering at the end of the barrel isnt paint or anything. i actualy got it to burn like that and stay w/o rubbing off. i used a verry light car sand paper on the first half inch of the tube & that gave the soot enough of a rough surface to stick
Wow, nice blaster.

Your scope looks similer to the one i used on mine (see '50% finished ESB blaster' thread.

It is a russian 4x20 scope, i will see if i can post the ebay link to it.
Nice looking blaster. You know that an HS Webley went up for sale recently right? Not sure if you were the one that snagged it.

DL44 Blaster said:
Nice looking blaster. You know that an HS Webley went up for sale recently right? Not sure if you were the one that snagged it.

naw that wasnt me. but i was talking to HS awile back and he said he might be doing another run some time in january if he gets enough interest. i asked him to let me know when he makes a thread. but ya i dont wanna cut my MPP flash. eventhough its a replica of one i dont want to ruin it. its worth more in one peice anyway. BTW the MPP flash is frigging long. much longer than my heiland was
That looks really sweet. I had the same idea for sprucing mine up as well. Got a heildand & some OM greeblies. How did you do the stock???? It looks really nice!!!
Jango's kid said:
That looks really sweet. I had the same idea for sprucing mine up as well. Got a heildand & some OM greeblies. How did you do the stock???? It looks really nice!!!
simple. i took a paper towle with paint thiner. i reccomend Klean strip paint thiner cause it is not verry powerfull on dryed paints. and i just kept rubing the stock getting rid of the dark color slowly untill the lighter colors shown through to look like it was really beaten up. look on and cheack out how he does wood grain . he puts the lighter colors on first & then the darker colors. thats how i knew the paint thinner would probly work. DONOT USE THE REMOVER GOOF OFF!! IT EATS EVERYTHING!!! EVEN GETS UNDER YOUR SKIN AND EATS AT THE NERVES!!! CAUSES UNBELEAVEABLE PAIN!!! I LEARNED MY LESSON THE HARD WAY!!! Its a good remover but be verry cairful w=hen using it.latex rubber gloves give you no pretection against it eather. it liquifys the latex
SaxeCoburg said:
I'm the one that got the HS bronze Webley on the RPF acouple days ago.

Congrats:cheers I was in on the first round run a few years back when there was no alternative for a Webley...I was in a bidding war on one and bailed at $1750 :eek: for a blued version......I got HS's for a much more modest price......I doubt I'll ever own a real blued Webley so the bronze replica is the next best thing.

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DL44 Blaster said:
Congrats:cheers I was in on the first round run a few years back when there was no alternative for a Webley...I was in a bidding war on one and bailed at $1750 :eek: for a blued version......I got HS's for a much more modest price......I doubt I'll ever own a real blued Webley so the bronze replica is the next best thing.

exactly the reason that if HS does another run of webleys im gunna sell this blaster to get the cash inorder to get one.
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hey BSF1, i got the same sci-fire esb (last version) my self. i just got a Heiland Flash Tube, i have no idea how to attach it or remove the rubber one from the blaster. dont want to ruin anything :-) , so any tips or tutorial would be awsome!!!

thanks allot.

ps - great looking blaster...ESB rules.
There is adhesive about 3/4" into the black barrel that holds the mold of the MPP in place. Think of it as a "plug" of sorts that would be in the barrel if it was real. On the face of that plug is some adhesive think of it in a cut-away as one "U" shaped sitting side of a larger "U" shape.

That is the way my V1.0 Sci-fire was done. Hope this helps.
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